Backyard Hunter
So this little guy (girl?) has found his way into my backyard and is hunting insects off the lawn. It is actually a family that has moved in. I'm not sure whether this is the male of female, but the parents hunt the backyard and feed the insects to their little one. I need to get a remote trigger cable so I can time the captures better so as to catch the feeding. At the moment, the camera is set to a timer and just takes a pic every few seconds. It is quite entertaining to watch. They swoop, hover, and most always go back to perch on top of a wooden pole I have supporting a somewhat small tree. Any idea what it is? In my looking I can't find anything that resembles this little guy. :dunno
Possible 'Black Phoboe' ? :scratch
Possible 'Black Phoboe' ? :scratch

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Almost got the feeding, but missed focus and timing. More practice needed.
Thank you very much for the ID!