SM UI bug: Double Appearance

I was checking out few things HDVideo reported with S*E, when I noticed this "double appearance" bug:

As you can see, "Appearance" appears twice, once with the comment/hint, once without it.
And while we're at it: Don, any chances the recently introduced set of albums/images properties (especially geography) make it to the production API any time soon?
Simply adding a few optional tags to existing RPC-XML structures and changing the docs should not be a huge deal (IMHO) and would be a *huge* xmas gift for all the smugmug users who use 3d party tools.

As you can see, "Appearance" appears twice, once with the comment/hint, once without it.
And while we're at it: Don, any chances the recently introduced set of albums/images properties (especially geography) make it to the production API any time soon?
Simply adding a few optional tags to existing RPC-XML structures and changing the docs should not be a huge deal (IMHO) and would be a *huge* xmas gift for all the smugmug users who use 3d party tools.
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Nik, first of all - bugs go in the bug report thread. Secondly, this is not a bug. The first appearance of the word "appearance" is for the gallery. The second appearance of the word "appearnance" is for when that gallery is part of a community.
As to the rest - wait for Don.
Thank you...
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I did not know we have a new thread for it
Neither. It's not a bug - read my post please.
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