Protection in Forums

There are so many questions in this, but my main one is about Smugmug, so I picked this forum.
Today I discovered one of my photos used in an advertisement in a newspaper quite far from where I live. There is no question: it's a rodeo picture and the action, the people in the back, and the advertising on the fence area all quite clearly a perfect match for my picture. They are advertising a local rodeo, but the picture is from my own town.
Anyway, my first thought was to wonder how this happened. I don't have a photography business, and I have right-click download disabled on my photographs. However, I notice that I can download my pictures from forums if I paste a link? I do occasionally share my work in forums. Is it correct that photo downloads are NOT disabled in a forum?
I occasionally share my work that way. Is that how this newspaper could have obtained my picture?
Also, are their legal ramifications that could come back to me because my picture of a person is being used for advertising without my permission? The paper is advertising a local rodeo and using my picture from a rodeo last year. I'm not a professional photographer. I give away my photos to parents for free, and I make only a tiny sum selling the occasional photo to my local paper. (And I do mean tiny.) I have even GIVEN some of my landscape pictures to people who were interested in using them. However, one of my policies is that I do not give away pictures of people to anyone except parents of a child, or the person in the picture. I figured I was safe from exactly this issue. Since I have no clue who the kid in the picture even is, I know I've never given it to anyone.
The picture in question isn't even that good! It's too blurry, and I don't like the way it's composed.
Today I discovered one of my photos used in an advertisement in a newspaper quite far from where I live. There is no question: it's a rodeo picture and the action, the people in the back, and the advertising on the fence area all quite clearly a perfect match for my picture. They are advertising a local rodeo, but the picture is from my own town.
Anyway, my first thought was to wonder how this happened. I don't have a photography business, and I have right-click download disabled on my photographs. However, I notice that I can download my pictures from forums if I paste a link? I do occasionally share my work in forums. Is it correct that photo downloads are NOT disabled in a forum?
I occasionally share my work that way. Is that how this newspaper could have obtained my picture?
Also, are their legal ramifications that could come back to me because my picture of a person is being used for advertising without my permission? The paper is advertising a local rodeo and using my picture from a rodeo last year. I'm not a professional photographer. I give away my photos to parents for free, and I make only a tiny sum selling the occasional photo to my local paper. (And I do mean tiny.) I have even GIVEN some of my landscape pictures to people who were interested in using them. However, one of my policies is that I do not give away pictures of people to anyone except parents of a child, or the person in the picture. I figured I was safe from exactly this issue. Since I have no clue who the kid in the picture even is, I know I've never given it to anyone.
The picture in question isn't even that good! It's too blurry, and I don't like the way it's composed.

I checked the gallery:!i=2579550298&k=krcv8pd
and it is right click protected and original size is disabled so your photos are protected. The extra measure you could take is to watermark your photos. Please see this help page:
The watermark will stay on your photos if you post them to forums and are difficult to remove.
I can't assist you with the legal aspects of one of your photos being published. I'm sure you will get advice from others on this forum with this issue.
From the help page at Follow the advice Seamus gave you and watermark your photos if you want an extra measure of protection. And decide how large a photo you are comfortable with sharing on the web.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Something has happened. I knew the editor was leaving, but the entire newspaper staff has changed in the month I've been working out of town. The person who sent the picture found it on the paper's hard drive. She told me that the paper that used my picture put out a general call for rodeo pictures so she sent this one without knowing where it was from. She offered to pay me and I told her I wasn't after money I was more worried about commercial use. I tried to explain the difference between high school rodeo and PRCA rodeo to her, but her eyes just seemed to glaze over.
I need to reread the agreement I have with the paper, but my concern now comes down to commercial use. However, I think that part of my question now belongs in a different subforum. I'm not a photography business. Photography is a hobby, and my limited publication in the newspaper pays for my SmugMug website and I'm happy with that.
Thank-you to all of you who answered my question. With my newest work, I will use discreet watermarks and block forum use. Is there a way to go back and turn these settings on for my many, many existing galleries?
Thank you for keeping us in the loop! Sorry to hear that happened...As we know, the newspaper industry is changing rapidly, so seeing how this happened doesn't surprise me.
You can add watermarks on a per Gallery basis. For more information, check out this help page.
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