Nice capture Ryan ! Yes it is deathly slow. How did you come about finding this was it some kind of event ?
Thank you, I am glad you like it. I think documentary and street photography are a specialized interest. It is hard to compete for eyeballs when there are bikini models in the people forum. I've recently come to believe photo collectives are the most effective way to gain audiences in the docu genre. Curated collections seem to do better. Multimedia helps as well. I have been experimenting with video.
This photograph was taken on May 27th 2013 during a re-enactment of civil war life at Camp Floyd State Park in Utah. I am about a month behind processing images. I have a vacation this week, so I hope to catch up a little.
Please feel free to post any reworks you do of my images. Crop, skew, munge, edit, share. Website | Galleries | Utah PJs
Thank you, I am glad you like it. I think documentary and street photography are a specialized interest. It is hard to compete for eyeballs when there are bikini models in the people forum.
This photograph was taken on May 27th 2013 during a re-enactment of civil war life at Camp Floyd State Park in Utah. I am about a month behind processing images. I have a vacation this week, so I hope to catch up a little.
Website | Galleries | Utah PJs
Website | Galleries | Utah PJs