haze to portrait?
Hello! I did a session yesterday and it was overcast... used my speedlight and images looked good on LCD... but when I got home and uploaded, the pictures all seem to have a haze to them.. and its not tack sharp... Of course, I didnt shoot raw ....so just wondered your thoughts and if this can be corrected after the fact. Have a session today and its overcast so hoping the same thing doesnt happen... I will shoot raw that is for sure! LOL Thanks!
I took the liberty of correcting exposure on this image. It's not perfect, but I do think it's better.
After that, I kind of like the 'hazy' look. Play with it a bit and lean to overexposure without going too far and you might like the results, especially with your subjects.
Thanks... I just looked and I had put it in Aperture Priority mode.. (usually I shoot in Manuel, but figured to try the A mode cause of the overcast sky) I was at f 5.6 and 1/250, ISO 200..........
Oh I didnt realize that. I dont mind the hazy but the boys dont have that tack sharp to their features. I think this will look great in black & white..
Shot is probably actually in focus, but the light coming back at you is diffracting enough due to the overexposure that it is diffusing your image.
By getting the 'correct' exposure for the scene and noting it, you can then start bumping into slight overexposure to see what effect you like. Review the EXIF to see how which exposure gives you the look you want. But again, white shirts are a challenge to take right up to the point of blow out.
Let's see the next round!
Thanks! I never thought about putting the reflector on the ground near them........ hummm.... this was a spur of the moment shot but I will remember that for next time...