New york Jester
Hello, I'm a first time caller longtime listener.
I shot this in December 03 on the edge of central park.
It took a while but after some time I saw the jester hiding
in the shadows. Looking forward to any feedback.
I shot this in December 03 on the edge of central park.
It took a while but after some time I saw the jester hiding
in the shadows. Looking forward to any feedback.
Hi Mello,
Cool shot!
Looks like two photos in one-- the trees over the path in the bg and the jester. But they work together too.
Care to add any techie info -- camera or method of producing B&W for example?
Seeking the Decisive Moment, thanks Henri
Thanks Frank,
I used a low-end 35mm loaded with TMAX 400.
I can't say I remember the lens, arpature or
shutter speed. It would still be another year until
I bought a D-SLR.
I love T-Max 400 -- I used to shoot with it all the time. Is Kodak stil making it?
I had a Leica M3 -- carried it all over on business trips. Felt like a pistol in my leather case. Sold it so I could afford to 'go digital' -- don't regret it (except once in a while)
Your shot looks like a good scan. I'm always amazed at the portibility of images -- they can bounce from one technology to another and stay intact.
Seeking the Decisive Moment, thanks Henri