Is this a Tufted Titmouse? Shot this afternoon in Anadarko, Oklahoma.
Thanks for looking, comments and critique are welcomed.
yes it is!!! nice catch!
[font=Geneva, Arial, sans-serif]The Tufted Titmouse is an active, noisy, and conspicuously vocal bird whose typical song is a loud whistled peter peter peter. Both sexes have a distinctive black forehead and gray crest. The upperparts are gray, with slightly darker gray flight feathers. The lores are pale buff. The face and underparts are white with rufous flanks. The dark eye and eye ring are prominent on the white face. [/font]
[font=Geneva, Arial, sans-serif][font=Geneva, Arial, sans-serif]A dominant bird at feeders, the Tufted Titmouse often chases away birds that are the same size or smaller. During winter, this titmouse caches food in bark crevasses throughout its territory.[/font][/font]
[font=Geneva, Arial, sans-serif]The Tufted Titmouse is an active, noisy, and conspicuously vocal bird whose typical song is a loud whistled peter peter peter. Both sexes have a distinctive black forehead and gray crest. The upperparts are gray, with slightly darker gray flight feathers. The lores are pale buff. The face and underparts are white with rufous flanks. The dark eye and eye ring are prominent on the white face. [/font]