Images displayed in SmugMug gallery are too dark
We just shot an African wedding. The images look fine on my Mac when exported from Lightroom but when uploaded to SmugMug and displayed in a gallery the image is noticeably darker which is a problem given the dark skin & now my client is complaining that the images are too dark. If I upload the the same image to my own webserver then when viewed in a browser it is not too dark & looks as it should.
Here is the image on SmugMug!i=2619594802&k=5PGWV3V&lb=1&s=A
Here is the image on my own webserver
The gallery is set to apply a watermark but is doing other processing to make the image darker. How can this be fixed? I need these images to look correct as I am aiming to sell prints from the gallery to the wedding guests but cannot even show the galleries to them until SmugMug fixes this problem so that the bride & groom approve them for general display.
Here is the image on SmugMug!i=2619594802&k=5PGWV3V&lb=1&s=A
Here is the image on my own webserver
The gallery is set to apply a watermark but is doing other processing to make the image darker. How can this be fixed? I need these images to look correct as I am aiming to sell prints from the gallery to the wedding guests but cannot even show the galleries to them until SmugMug fixes this problem so that the bride & groom approve them for general display.
What export settings have you specified for the images? (specifically the colour profile?). Images on SmugMug are sRGB and if you upload images using any other profile we will convert them when we generate the display copies (this is a relatively common source of this sort of issue). If you use the SmugMug Lightroom plugin then the colour profile is set correctly for you.
Colour management in web browsers is a minefield, so using a safe sRGB profile for all images on the web is highly recommended.
You are probably best to raise a support ticket for faster responses on this issue.
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Spence Photography - fine art portraiture in central Scotland
Pavilion Photographic Studio - tuition - workshops - studio hire - model days in central Scotland