P&S type camera that can do slow motion/High Speed but on a budget?

KingofthehillKingofthehill Registered Users Posts: 68 Big grins
edited July 14, 2013 in Cameras
Ive been looking into the plug in's like Twixtor but i think no matter what I need to start with a solid base camera unit.

I am all for last years model's and used equipment but im hoping maybe someone can point me in the right direction?

Im looking for filming of fight scene's, gun competition shooting course, Parkour with some BMX/wake boarding tricks.

Can someone please point me in the right direction? Probably not in the budget right now but it may be worth trading a few odd's and ends to get into the high speed stuff that has captivated me.

Thank You


  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited July 14, 2013
    All of the high-speed, rapid frame rate, cameras of note need a rather extreme amount of light to expose properly.

    Then again, 60 fps can be accomplished with many modern dSLRs (in video mode) and with many modern camcorders.

    First, please define what you want in terms of "high-speed".
    What frame rate are you looking for?

    What resolution? (Realize that some cameras reduce resolution at very high frame rates.)

    What level of image quality?

    Sound capable? Sound capable during HS capture?

    How much rolling shutter can you accept?

    What capture stream duration? Seconds? Minutes? Longer?

    As your question is stated, "P&S type camera that can do slow motion/High Speed but on a budget?", and your qualifiers of, "... filming of fight scene's, gun competition shooting course*, Parkour with some BMX/wake boarding tricks" the primary recommendation would be a Casio EX-F1, EX-FH20, EX-FH25 and/or EX-FH100BK. (Currently, only the EX-FH20 appears available new.)


    I am not aware of any other system under $five-digits that can do authentic bullet velocity sequences, so the Casio EX-F1 is still very budget conscious (if you can find one).

    *(I am assuming that you want some sequences of the bullet exiting the barrel.)
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited July 14, 2013
    I spoke too soon, the current Casio high-speed cameras which can do 1000 fps sequences are:

    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
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