I am sorry I think it would have bin better shorter but I had to be somewhere so I ran it a bit longer. Lots of winners so the pick will not be easy ,I think at just a fast look there are 7 #1,s so maybe a flip of the coin . I have 3 friends with input on Thru and a winner there will be! There are some really funny shots and some great feeling invoking ones and a few captures ,this will not be easy.
We are closing at 11 PM I will be sound asleep so if a post is past that times it will be tagged
thank you all for posting it would be fun to put up 3 for a popular vote but that ain't the mimi I was going to type GOOD LUCK but then my old brain worked a little and that good luck is on my back D__
Well we are closed and now I have to pick just one Thank you all for the great shots and humor ,now I have to go to work . I will get the winner up as fast as I can but it is a hard pick from about 8 .
Alan all 3 great #1 #2 stand out
Don #1 very funny #2 a look I hope wildlife is not heading to
Pixel #2 ? do they have a different look lol #3 well done
Chandlerja #2 great shot sharp and clean
superduckz #1 nice
zoomn #1 nice real nice #3 I know a good dentist
grandma boy do I miss diving underwater shots are not easy
shootingstar all 3 very good #2 stands out
jmesseder I really like the capture and the story it tells
brancaleone like I said #1 SAD I have seen to many birds killed like that #2 & 3 very nice
puzzlepaul all 3 great photos exposure and comp
kentwaller #1 and #3 #2 is a great fish shot color , sharp & nice compos
jwear glad you took it down it was leaking
juanheredia #1 stands out nice bug shots not bugging me at all
pedalgirl nice , The only thing I would have removed the left side my eye goes there ever time I look
bfluegie very good story
earache all 3 very nice but #3 very funny and good shot [but if you look close it's choking ]
brody great shot
billseye #1 great capture color comp the whole thing #3 I would have liked it as well with out the ps work, great capture with caption
kscooper #1 nice bear shot #2 real good capture ,color ,exposure and action
jwear #1 well done ,good eye ,you do get some very different captures #2 the eye is about to blow out ,now that is fear #3 again you do have a good eye I really like that even thou it is not a great shot
fjcvisual #1 peekabo #2 a coyote ??? a coyote
hammy8241 #1 nice #2 they do look like they are stretching just a bit
travelways #1 real good job of making that one look good #2 funny #3 for that angle the shot is very nice
Have I missed something. I'd love to know the winners, though I have to admit there were many candidates.
you may need to Look http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=237174 tap that It was a very good challenge but looks like they did not like his pick or just never waste the time with comments . IT still is on the first page
you may need to Look http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=237174 tap that It was a very good challenge but looks like they did not like his pick or just never waste the time with comments . IT still is on the first page
Ah! I'd have thought it would have been tacked on here. Then I went on the road for a week and didn't check back. Returned now, so thanks for the pointer.
I'll join in. Taken with a 5D Mark II and a 70-200 zoom.
Tiger Romance by a Waterfall
Wow! Great shot. Lucky you to have that scene. Good work.
Sent from my Galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 4
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I have been enjoying and appreciating everyone's contributions to this thread. Awesome eyes and technique on display (as usual).
Bill - your 3rd is a terrific interpretation / creation and it puts a big smile on my face.
good gear; not enough time
What you lookin' at, guy?.
And a one, and a two, and a three . . .
A nickel for your thoughts.
good gear; not enough time
were did you come from
this was taken with a micro lens ,the dove came in for a drink the shutter clicked and this was that fast
The heart of wildlife is everywhere ,you just need to look
2. Can't Find Me
Wow how cute are these, especially the lat one!!!
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
1. Aww come on get back to the game...these adverts are getting longer!
2. Just hanging around, waiting for a vacancy - Yes, I know this is stretching the rules a bit!
3. I'm looking for my 'paw'.
(on click yo can see a larger version)
1. Enjoying the sun
2. Dinner time
3. Determination
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
We are closing at 11 PM I will be sound asleep so if a post is past that times it will be tagged
Alan all 3 great #1 #2 stand out
Don #1 very funny
Pixel #2 ? do they have a different look
Chandlerja #2 great shot sharp and clean
superduckz #1 nice
zoomn #1 nice real nice #3 I know a good dentist
grandma boy do I miss diving underwater shots are not easy
shootingstar all 3 very good #2 stands out
jmesseder I really like the capture and the story it tells
brancaleone like I said #1 SAD I have seen to many birds killed like that #2 & 3 very nice
puzzlepaul all 3 great photos exposure and comp
kentwaller #1 and #3 #2 is a great fish shot color , sharp & nice compos
jwear glad you took it down it was leaking
juanheredia #1 stands out nice bug shots not bugging me at all
pedalgirl nice , The only thing I would have removed the left side my eye goes there ever time I look
bfluegie very good story
earache all 3 very nice but #3 very funny and good shot [but if you look close it's choking
brody great shot
billseye #1 great capture color comp the whole thing #3 I would have liked it as well with out the ps work, great capture with caption
kscooper #1 nice bear shot #2 real good capture ,color ,exposure and action
jwear #1 well done ,good eye ,you do get some very different captures #2 the eye is about to blow out ,now that is fear #3 again you do have a good eye I really like that even thou it is not a great shot
fjcvisual #1 peekabo #2 a coyote ???
hammy8241 #1 nice #2 they do look like they are stretching just a bit
travelways #1 real good job of making that one look good #2 funny #3 for that angle the shot is very nice
Now I go to picking
Have I missed something. I'd love to know the winners, though I have to admit there were many candidates.
you may need to Look http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=237174 tap that It was a very good challenge but looks like they did not like his pick or just never waste the time with comments . IT still is on the first page
Ah! I'd have thought it would have been tacked on here. Then I went on the road for a week and didn't check back. Returned now, so thanks for the pointer.