New Statistics confusion.
I'm just a casual user, making galleries for family and friends. I'm also and old fart that has been navigating interfaces since CP/M (that's prior to DOS). So forgive me for being easily confused, but the new "statistics" drove me nuts for about 20 minutes.
The main page looks the same, but now when you click on "Gallery Details", instead of the old drop down menu you get a new page with a "Select a Gallery" button. Click that and get a list of your upper level galleries. Begs the question - why bother with the "Select a Gallery" page? Why not just go to the gallery list?
On the first page, click on an icon. Nothing happens. There are "selected, cancel, done" buttons on the right, but they remain grayed out. After some confusion you will probably click on some other icon to see if it works. Nope. Finally, you will click on the same icon twice, and only then do you go to the next gallery level. So it's a double click (sometimes).
On that next level you click on an icon, and again maybe nothing happens. But you've learned it takes a double click. NOT! Double clicking on the second level does nothing. Just toggles a highlight on and off. But then you notice the "selected" and "done" buttons are now highlighted. Seems to hint that you could select more than one gallery to combine the stats. That would be nice, but it's not the case. You can't select more than one gallery. Plain click, ctrl-click, shift-click, alt-click, they all select one gallery. After you select your gallery you have to click "done" to get there. Another redundant click.
Finally, it dawns on you that the logic differs depending on whether you are selecting a category or a gallery. The icons for each are slightly different. Face palm happens here. You've been navigating your actual SmugMug galleries for years with single clicks, so you might be a little slow to catch on.
Like Windows has folders and files, Smugmug has categories and galleries. Imagine if navigating the Windows folder/file structure required different click logic and redundant confirmation clicks.
The main page looks the same, but now when you click on "Gallery Details", instead of the old drop down menu you get a new page with a "Select a Gallery" button. Click that and get a list of your upper level galleries. Begs the question - why bother with the "Select a Gallery" page? Why not just go to the gallery list?
On the first page, click on an icon. Nothing happens. There are "selected, cancel, done" buttons on the right, but they remain grayed out. After some confusion you will probably click on some other icon to see if it works. Nope. Finally, you will click on the same icon twice, and only then do you go to the next gallery level. So it's a double click (sometimes).
On that next level you click on an icon, and again maybe nothing happens. But you've learned it takes a double click. NOT! Double clicking on the second level does nothing. Just toggles a highlight on and off. But then you notice the "selected" and "done" buttons are now highlighted. Seems to hint that you could select more than one gallery to combine the stats. That would be nice, but it's not the case. You can't select more than one gallery. Plain click, ctrl-click, shift-click, alt-click, they all select one gallery. After you select your gallery you have to click "done" to get there. Another redundant click.
Finally, it dawns on you that the logic differs depending on whether you are selecting a category or a gallery. The icons for each are slightly different. Face palm happens here. You've been navigating your actual SmugMug galleries for years with single clicks, so you might be a little slow to catch on.
Like Windows has folders and files, Smugmug has categories and galleries. Imagine if navigating the Windows folder/file structure required different click logic and redundant confirmation clicks.