Panda Cub Birthday
Today is the 1st Birthday of Xiao Liwu - "Little Gift", the Panda Cub at the San Diego Zoo. :clap
These images are from the week in January when he first went on public display.
He did not want to get-up that morning, and we went through the viewing line
three times waiting for him to pop-up.
I wanted to share these today, not only because it's his birthday, but also just in case
anyone was running low on Cuteness...:D

Mama - Bai Yun - kept a close eye on the goings-on. She "chuffed" a lot - not too happy with all the humans around.
These images are from the week in January when he first went on public display.
He did not want to get-up that morning, and we went through the viewing line
three times waiting for him to pop-up.
I wanted to share these today, not only because it's his birthday, but also just in case
anyone was running low on Cuteness...:D

Mama - Bai Yun - kept a close eye on the goings-on. She "chuffed" a lot - not too happy with all the humans around.

Eric ~ Smugmug
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
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Hi Pam, thanks so much for commenting!
I know.. he's just too cute! Everyone in San Diego is just koo-koo over this little guy.
So, as you might imagine, the Zoo anticipated the stuffed toy angle and
had plenty of them available right at kid eye-level.
Thanks for looking, glad you liked 'em! .....what is it about baby animals? They seem to make most of us swoon!