How to match my blog with new SM

Hey everyone,
So as must of you on there are probably trying to figure this new site SM has and whether or not you want to make the switch there is one thing that is stopping me. This is that fact that I have my blog site match to look just like my SM site. I am not good with code so a lot of it I learned from here and had Denise help me with by just telling me where to copy and paste things. Thats what I do a lot of times copy and paste code that I see and change it to look like what I want for my site (if its something that is very unique I usually ask the person if its okay just FYI). So with that being said lets say I decide to switch over and use one of SM's templets is there any way to have my blogger match it. I know everyone is still trying to figure this all out so people might not have the answer yet but I'd be very curious if there is a way. If there is I will more than likely make the leap.
Thanks in advance,
So as must of you on there are probably trying to figure this new site SM has and whether or not you want to make the switch there is one thing that is stopping me. This is that fact that I have my blog site match to look just like my SM site. I am not good with code so a lot of it I learned from here and had Denise help me with by just telling me where to copy and paste things. Thats what I do a lot of times copy and paste code that I see and change it to look like what I want for my site (if its something that is very unique I usually ask the person if its okay just FYI). So with that being said lets say I decide to switch over and use one of SM's templets is there any way to have my blogger match it. I know everyone is still trying to figure this all out so people might not have the answer yet but I'd be very curious if there is a way. If there is I will more than likely make the leap.
Thanks in advance,
KO Photography
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
I have sent this question to smugmug as well in hopes they might have a answer so if they do I will share it with you all.
My old site had a side-by-side header and nav. I used the old CSS and HTML in my blog but adjusted the font and size until it was pretty close to matching. For right now pretty close will do.
I ignored the blog until I was happy with the look of my smug site.
Then I went to Google fonts ( and grabbed the two fonts I had selected in smug. I added the link just after the <head> tag in my blog html per the instructions on the Google fonts page. I copied the CSS from there as well and placed it in the appropriate entries for my header / nav. I played with the sizes of the fonts using percentages until the sites were pretty close. There is probably a better way to do this but I took the easy way out.
Take a look,
If you want to extract the code from your updated smug site you will need to use a tool like the Firefox Web Developer Extension or the tools in Firefox or Chrome to identify the pieces of code. I thought I had a good shot at just tweaking the code that was in my blog already; that worked well for me.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
What CSS from where?
I tried extracting the code using a tool like that but it was waaaaaay too complex and blogger didn't like it when I tried to cut and paste...
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
Like you said, I am ignoring the blog right now because I have so many "pages" I need to create on the smugmug site... lots of rearranging, lots of links to fix... blah blah. I am excited about a new and improved site, just afraid I am going to miss something before I unveil...
AND, Blogger doesn't really allow me the same chance to play in a sandbox first
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
It took me very little time, just a bit of patience and tweaking, to adjust my blog to match my updated smug site. As I noted in my previous post I was able to use the CSS and HTML that was in my blog from my previous design with some relatively minor changes. The changes were the use of a Google Font, entering HTML for my new navbar entries, and playing with the size of the font.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
My Vancouver Island Photography Website
My Facebook Page
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Blog (no drop downs, but otherwise I think it looks pretty good):
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
Looks great! So that was one of the templets correct?
Thanks a lot Denise for answering my question that clears it up I think. So I will either start a new blog like Michaels or figure out how to see where all the Code is in the templet I decide to use. Its not about the amount of work I don't mind that so much its about the fact that I'm really not a good coder so we will see. Thanks a lot once again.
SmugMug "Zoe" template w/some color changes.
I already had my blog set up with Denise's original directions, so I just made a few tweaks
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
Yeah I used Denise original directions as well on my current blog so I will just have to figure out how to do it with smugmugs templets instead of original CSS that I have
My blog is
PS it's just the code for the logo and nav bar that I need.
How did you get the client login on your new smugmug
I have beend looing all over for this..
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks Denise for replying to that persons question. Denise is right I'm still in legacy mode, though it's good to know that the client login isn't available since it was something I was going to try to figure out for my new sm website.
Thanks for the info. There is a bug (or feature?) in the blog integrtion. If I click on an image in your blog, I get the full screen image. great. Now if I hit the x in the upper right I would expect to be back where I left off browsing your blog? But instead I'm now in the smugmug gallery and have to clik on the blog menu and scroll back down to where I left off.
If you want to stay within the blog you could upload the photos to blogger's photo store. I want to drive traffic to my photo site.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
1. The navbar menu isn't centred underneath my logo on the blog and there is a bigger gap between the logo and the menu text on the blog than on my SM
2. The menu text isn't evenly spaced on my blog, it is all squashed to one side
You can see the problem in these two screen grabs:
Main SM site
3. The last thing is that I can't work out how to make the blog main body text larger - it is too small, it looks like it is 12px and I want 13 or 14.
Can anyone help with these please?
Main website is:
Blog is: (vs
They don't exactly match (navbars are slightly different, colour blocks are inverted etc), but I'm pretty happy at the continuity between them; the consistent logo helps, as does the matching colour scheme. No, they're not "the same", but I think they work well together and am super-happy. This was pretty much impossible with legacy Smug (and my skillset), so the new system has been a real bonus for me. I realise this may not be true for everybody, but fwiw....
My blog is, for what it's worth - just the free one, hosted by them. I have a site for my singing activities and, while I love it, it was a TOTAL PAIN to set up on my host, and I didn't want to go through that again, so I just took the path of least resistance. It's been fine for me so far............
PS I adjusted some things on the blog as well as some things on SM - I didn't only try to tweak one. It was easier to split the difference than try to force one or the other to match....