Migration to sandbox time
1) I am in the process of migrating to the sandbox. The "process" have been running for almost 90 minutes. How long should this take?
2) I use alot of smart galleries. How are they processed? Must I go through my entire site and re-create them?
2) I use alot of smart galleries. How are they processed? Must I go through my entire site and re-create them?
1) By "migrating" do you mean that you clicked the "preview new smugmug" button?
2) In my experience, no you don't. Note: I have one primary smart gallery that I use for my public facing site.
anything can be amazing
So far it seems like it'll take forever and a day. Things in SM land seem to be a bit hectic, everything was down a few hours ago....nothing but blank websites.
Uh...not on my end. I've been playing with the new setup for the past several hours and, with the exception of the half hour or so before I cleared browser data, everything has been working just fine...sandbox and go-live.
anything can be amazing
Yes - I clicked the preview button. Been "rounding up my stuff" for a long time.
This has been spinning for 45 minutes:
"Rounding Up Your Stuff
This usually just takes a minute or two, but it could take longer. This page will automatically refresh when we're finished, but feel free to browse to other web pages and come back later. We'll also notify you via email when we're done."
After three hours Smugmug is still "rounding up....". I am going to bed. Do I leave the "rounding up" page open and leave my laptop on all night?
If I shut down my computer, what do I do tomorrow? Go back and click "Preview" again? Does that start the whole process all over again?
What's going to happen when I try to migrate my real site w/ 1000's of pics and videos?
Looked at my current site w/o logging in and noticed that stat data for galleries is not being displayed.
Opps..looks like there are problems. I clicked into a gallery in my 'current' site to see that lots of stuff is broken. I'm sure the heroes are slammed too. I guess I'll wait until morning.
Sorry for the delay!
Support Hero
My suggestion: Chillax, go to sleep and then work on your site tomorrow.
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Just thought I'd pipe in briefly. I started the migration/preview process around 5:30pm pst yesterday... it is now 8:45am and it's still going. (And no confirmation email either, so it's not just that the page is stuck.) Have any other users been reporting similar delays? Do you have any insight in to how much longer this will take? In any case, I'm still bugged that it's nowhere near the "minute or two" that is advertised, though some at the beginning may have had this luxury. I wonder if you could change that messaging for others (if you haven't already).