BUG: API - album creation: quoted keywords are ignored

As HDVideo reported, it's not currently possible to enter quoted keywords via S*E. I debugged the issue and realized that no matter what I do, SM server ignores keywords entry after the quote is encountered.
I tried several approaches:
In captions and descriptions either aproach seem to work fine.
Please provide a fix or at least a recommendation how to enter quoted keywords for the production API for albums creation.
I tried several approaches:
Both result in the empty keyword string on a server, although album is successfully created.#1: "bad" characters are "orded":
< member>
< name> Keywords< /name>
< value> & #34;quoted keywords& #34; & #34;las vegas& #34; o& #39;neil< /value>
< /member>
#2: quotes and apostrophes go "as is":
< member>
< name> Keywords< /name>
< value> "quoted keywords" "las vegas" o'neil< /value>
< /member>
In captions and descriptions either aproach seem to work fine.
Please provide a fix or at least a recommendation how to enter quoted keywords for the production API for albums creation.
"May the f/stop be with you!"
BUG: Blah blah blah
Thank you for your cooperation.
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I hope he actually reads them..
I can be as compliant with any posting rules as one can possibly be - if it get the bug fixed..