Manual image sort gives an error
Ack! An error occurred while saving the new sort order. Organizer needs to refresh itself to try to shake out the bugs.
Firefox 13.0.1 Mac OS X 10.8.3
Firefox 13.0.1 Mac OS X 10.8.3
I changed one of my galleries to manual sort, and it now crwashes any time I try to drag a photo into a new position. I'm using the Chrome beta channel desktop browser on Win 8.
"Options": {
"Methods": [
"ParameterDescription": {
"Text": "Variable length text from MIN_CHARS to MAX_CHARS (MAX_CHARS = INFINITY meaning arbitrary length)",
"Select": "Select MIN_COUNT to MAX_COUNT options. Options should pass only the \"Value\". When passing more then one value, use an array.",
"Uri": "Absolute or relative URL, restricted to Locator of the supplied URL if not null. Up to a MAX_LENGTH in length."
"Parameters": {
"PUT": [
"Name": "MoveUris",
"Label": "Move AlbumImage Uris",
"Required": true,
"ReadOnly": false,
"Default": null,
"Type": "Text",
"Value": "/api/v2/album/rffJWH/image/WGpTjCq",
"Problems": [
"uris not in the correct album"
"Name": "MoveLocation",
"Label": "Move Location",
"Required": true,
"ReadOnly": false,
"Default": "Before",
"Type": "Select",
"Value": "After"
"Name": "Uri",
"Label": "AlbumImage URI",
"Required": true,
"ReadOnly": false,
"Default": null,
"Type": "Uri",
"Locator": "AlbumImage",
"Value": "/api/v2/album/zWpphT/image/Z87c4gs",
"Problems": [
"uris not in the correct album"
"Response": {
"Uri": "/api/v2/album/H7GhmX!sortimages?_shorturis=&_quiet=&_filteruri=",
"UriDescription": "Sort Album Images",
"EndpointType": "SortAlbumImages"
"Code": 400,
"Message": "Bad Request"
I think, as someone else mentioned, that it may have something to do with photos that live in multiple locations, as my problem came when I tried to move some concert photos that are collected in one gallery by the name of the band (via a "smart gallery" setting) and in another gallery where bands photos are grouped by the name of the festival where I photographed them.
I'll shoot it over to the engineer
The organizer engineer just contacted me and said a fix for this should be live. See how it's working now... Let me know