New SM Home Page folder images too big
Using the default theme in the new SM, the smallest I can make the folder images on the home page is "small". This means that I can only fit five whole + five truncated images across the page and TBH it looks crap:

What are the chances of being able to go down in size to "thumbnail", or maybe even "tiny" as per the old site, which would allow much more flexibility?

What are the chances of being able to go down in size to "thumbnail", or maybe even "tiny" as per the old site, which would allow much more flexibility?
Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
i don't see the tiny & thumb sizes coming back. On my monitor you have 8 across and it looks great.
The page will adjust based on monitor resolution.
That is how I fixed mine.
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX