Keywords not correctly transferred over
I'm seeing that some keywords aren't transferred over correctly. Rather than maintain say 3 separate tags on a photo, the new Smugmug is concatenating them. Anyone else seeing this?
I can't have been the only one to have them as semicolon seperated can I? Think they were embedded from a 3rd party program....
In fact, there should be absolutely no change to keywords right now, while everyone is migrating and so many other things are on shaky ground. Keywording already went through large changes awhile back, and some of us spent countless hours trying to "right" everything on thousands of photos after that. The only change that should happen, which I've been begging for for a couple years now, is the stupid bug where keywords don't show up in the keyword box after you've added them, unless you refresh a buncha times. I will not even touch "migrate" until I know that every single keyword issue is fixed, as changing them manually would be insane and impossible.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)