Collage Landscape and other bugs
I'm playing around a bit in the New Smugmug Preview mode. Some issues I've encountered so far (recent Firefox build):
- Hyperlinks in gallery descriptions don't work. They are shown as plain text instead. This works fine in the old Smugmug.
- Fill option in lightbox mode renders images less sharp than their fixed-size counterparts. Most noticable with photo's in portrait orientation. (But this is more of a browser limitation.) This is a bit of a dilemma. I like the edge to edge display. But I like sharp images too
- The Cover Photo on the homepage should be draggable inside the Profile box. (as in: specify another crop to fit the box better)
- When modifying my homepage and tweaking the Galleries content block, the "number of rows" and "row count" have different effect on Grid layout and Collage Landscape Layout. "12 rows" for Grid layout means just that: 12 rows of images. With the Collage Landscape Layout enabled, "12 rows" actually only shows 12 images ...
- I would love to use the new Collage Landscape mode as the new default for all my galleries, but there are some issues:
- I have galleries with several hundreds of images. Things can get quite slow then. Is pagination in this gallery style not an option?
- When switching from Smugmug style to Collage Landscape style, the active image is opened in lightbox mode first.
- Then the most annoying issue (imo):
Clicking on an image in let's say row 3 of the Collage Landscape style opens the lightbox; when the lightbox is closed, the page will have scrolled down, now placing row 3 as the top row in the browser, and so on. This is confusing; you've lost track of where you last clicked and visitors will overlook lot's of photographs this way. (Thumbnail style has the same bug/feature.)

Q1. Hyperlinks in gallery descriptions don't work. They are shown as plain text instead. This works fine in the old Smugmug.
* Sorry, not html in the descriptions. Html block in the gallery might be the way to go to add formatted text.
Q2. Fill option in lightbox mode renders images less sharp than their fixed-size counterparts. Most noticable with photo's in portrait orientation. (But this is more of a browser limitation.) This is a bit of a dilemma. I like the edge to edge display. But I like sharp images too
* On my site with some test pics, I'm not seeing any issue. Could you shoot us a link to the image to the help desk and we'll take a look?
Q3. The Cover Photo on the homepage should be draggable inside the Profile box. (as in: specify another crop to fit the box better)
* Yes I want that too. I'll be entering a feature request to the product team.
Q4. When modifying my homepage and tweaking the Galleries content block, the "number of rows" and "row count" have different effect on Grid layout and Collage Landscape Layout. "12 rows" for Grid layout means just that: 12 rows of images. With the Collage Landscape Layout enabled, "12 rows" actually only shows 12 images ...
* Link to your site would help us see what the layout looks like and to be sure which block you have in place.
Q5. I would love to use the new Collage Landscape mode as the new default for all my galleries, but there are some issues:
* I'll submit a feature request for pagination.
* Been bugged already
* If it hasn't been bugged, I'll check on it
That's too bad, especially because it worked on old-smug. I'm on a basic account, so I can't add html content blocks to galleries. I just use it to provide a link back to a corresponding wordpress page. Other formatting I don't care about.
Any pic with some fine detail will do. I'm working with a 1920*1200 screen resolution. Images are set to maximum X3-Large (1600*1200). Choosing fixed X3 or X2 will show the native images ( = old-smug-style = sharp). Choosing Fill will let the browser resize down from X3 (or whichever is slightly larger than the window) to fit inside it. This renders the image less sharp (some browsers do a better job than others).
Obviously all is fine when looking at them full screen, because no resizing is required.
It's clearly visible on the loose rocks in the distance and down below. (plants/grass on the left or trees in the distance) (people and walkway)
This is just something I noticed and wanted to share. I don't think it can be fixed (as it's the browser that does the resizing) other than going back to old-smug lightbox with fixed display sizes.
I noticed this has been fixed. Wording is accurate now.
Other issues encountered so far:
1) the cover photo in the profile box won't show at random times. It briefly shows on page load, but then goes black. But can't reliably reproduce this.
2) The setting "action on click: Open in Lightbox" for the "Multiple Photos" content block shows a lightbox, but no navigation or any other overlay information or buttons that the regular Lightbox (opened from inside a gallery) has. (I switched to "open gallery" for now, so I could unveil.)
- on the collage landscape (etc) gallery styles, a share button should be displayed (for example, on top, next to Slideshow and Owner Buy), so the "Get a Link" page can be accessed without first opening a random image (cause that's where that button is)
Another bug report:
- Date timestamp in Photo Info popup shows date modified instead of date taken.
Anyway, try something like this:
I noticed breaks work too such as <br>
But, I thought html was off the tabel too (see richW's reply above). Maybe it was changed recently.
(To smugmug-devs: an official "changelog" with al the latest bugfixes and new features would be handy in situations like these ...)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Collage Landscape > scroll down > click any photo to open the lightbox > close the lightbox > page will jump back to top ...
A second behavior I see often is that when I close the image in lightbox (to return to a collage landscape-styled gallery) I am returned to an empty gallery page. I need to refresh the browser to see the photos again.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I swear it was working correctly for a while. I'm not 100% sure though.
You see an empty gallery? On your site only or on others as well? I've not seen that. Does this one appear empty after you click an image? Do you have to scroll way down to see that happen?
My Wildlife Gallery
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I checked one of your NH galleries and didn't see an empty gallery. After opening an image well down on the page, it snapped back to the top when I closed the image. I hope this get's addressed soon.
Are you still seeing this? I reported a similar issue last month ( and it was fixed in the past few days.