Organizer crashes on manual sort

I changed one of my galleries to manual sort, and it now crwashes any time I try to drag a photo into a new position. I'm using the Chrome beta channel desktop browser on Win 8.
"Options": {
"Methods": [
"ParameterDescription": {
"Text": "Variable length text from MIN_CHARS to MAX_CHARS (MAX_CHARS = INFINITY meaning arbitrary length)",
"Select": "Select MIN_COUNT to MAX_COUNT options. Options should pass only the \"Value\". When passing more then one value, use an array.",
"Uri": "Absolute or relative URL, restricted to Locator of the supplied URL if not null. Up to a MAX_LENGTH in length."
"Parameters": {
"PUT": [
"Name": "MoveUris",
"Label": "Move AlbumImage Uris",
"Required": true,
"ReadOnly": false,
"Default": null,
"Type": "Text",
"Value": "/api/v2/album/rffJWH/image/WGpTjCq",
"Problems": [
"uris not in the correct album"
"Name": "MoveLocation",
"Label": "Move Location",
"Required": true,
"ReadOnly": false,
"Default": "Before",
"Type": "Select",
"Value": "After"
"Name": "Uri",
"Label": "AlbumImage URI",
"Required": true,
"ReadOnly": false,
"Default": null,
"Type": "Uri",
"Locator": "AlbumImage",
"Value": "/api/v2/album/zWpphT/image/Z87c4gs",
"Problems": [
"uris not in the correct album"
"Response": {
"Uri": "/api/v2/album/H7GhmX!sortimages?_shorturis=&_quiet=&_filteruri=",
"UriDescription": "Sort Album Images",
"EndpointType": "SortAlbumImages"
"Code": 400,
"Message": "Bad Request"
"Options": {
"Methods": [
"ParameterDescription": {
"Text": "Variable length text from MIN_CHARS to MAX_CHARS (MAX_CHARS = INFINITY meaning arbitrary length)",
"Select": "Select MIN_COUNT to MAX_COUNT options. Options should pass only the \"Value\". When passing more then one value, use an array.",
"Uri": "Absolute or relative URL, restricted to Locator of the supplied URL if not null. Up to a MAX_LENGTH in length."
"Parameters": {
"PUT": [
"Name": "MoveUris",
"Label": "Move AlbumImage Uris",
"Required": true,
"ReadOnly": false,
"Default": null,
"Type": "Text",
"Value": "/api/v2/album/rffJWH/image/WGpTjCq",
"Problems": [
"uris not in the correct album"
"Name": "MoveLocation",
"Label": "Move Location",
"Required": true,
"ReadOnly": false,
"Default": "Before",
"Type": "Select",
"Value": "After"
"Name": "Uri",
"Label": "AlbumImage URI",
"Required": true,
"ReadOnly": false,
"Default": null,
"Type": "Uri",
"Locator": "AlbumImage",
"Value": "/api/v2/album/zWpphT/image/Z87c4gs",
"Problems": [
"uris not in the correct album"
"Response": {
"Uri": "/api/v2/album/H7GhmX!sortimages?_shorturis=&_quiet=&_filteruri=",
"UriDescription": "Sort Album Images",
"EndpointType": "SortAlbumImages"
"Code": 400,
"Message": "Bad Request"
Failed to load the poll.