Crop Problems on Gallery Feature Image
I cannot seem to get the feature image that appears in my list of galleries to crop correctly so heads don't get chopped off.

I have edited the image using the crop tool and then let it have time to update with no results. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
I have edited the image using the crop tool and then let it have time to update with no results. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
NH Sports Photography
The cropped photo inside a gallery does not match the featured photo for a gallery. I'm using square thumbs for the folders/galleries and the SmugMug gallery style. I have cropped a photo to square aspect ration (1:1) and used that as featured photo for a gallery. Both crops do simply not match... see screenshot.
The first thing I'd take note of is whether you happened to adjust watermarking in that gallery (or on that photo) after cropping the thumb. If they have not fixed the issue from the Old Site that has been happening since forever, when you watermark a photo, it loses the crop, even if you did a manual crop on it. It'll keep square thumbs, but it'll lose the manually adjusted crop you may have already done. If it's not that, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some other setting in the New Site that causes thumbs to regenerate & lose their adjusted crop. I prayed that this would get straightened out... Oh-- and the "fix" for this is that you simply have to adjust crops after watermarking rather than before.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
ctvader - I agree that changing my format to collage would solve the problem, I guess I am just trying to keep the default look for the template smugmug provided and get it to work like it should.
I am sure they are finding hundreds of bugs right now and this may be one of them, however I will be just as happy if it is not a bug and there is someone out there who knows the answer.
Thanks Everyone!
No watermarks here... and i tried to crop that photo multiple times without any effect. The CropThumbnail dialog has changed since my last post so i tried again without any effect.
When i go to the Organizer and select the folder with the gallery showing that grey heron as featured image, the crop looks ok. If i select "Settings" for that gallery i can see that little "Featured Image" in the GallerySettings window with the wrong crop like when navigate to that gallery on my site. EDIT: The crop varies whether you look at it in the Organizer (OK in FolderView and GalleryView but not in GallerySettings window) or when navigate on my site through Folders (not OK) / Gallery (OK in the SmugMug view).
Thank you, and keep up the good work!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
In the SmugMug gallery view the cropped thumbs will be used, but on nearly every other place where you can use square thumbs (thumbnail gallery view, featured images for galleries and folders...) the crop is ignored.
You will not loose anything... all my crops are still there and i still can adjust square crops. SM is just not using it where it might be possible.
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I am new to SmugMug and I like it very much so far. I was previously with viewbook, which actually offers much less for more money.
I am trying to customize my folder pages, where I would like to use the 3:1 crops of the feature image of each gallery linked to that folder page.
It works fine except I can't adjust my 3:1 crops: it automatically takes the full width of the featured image (fine) and the central third (not fine). It seems to be the same issue that appears in this thread and that is 1.5 years old. Does anyone know if it's possible today?
If not, maybe, would it be possible to have CSS on each folder page that adjust the crop with different parameters for each thumbnail? Like the solution of sherlockphotography above, but doing it case by case for each thumbnail, referring to it via filename or parent gallery ... ?
SmugMug Support Hero
+1 to this suggestion. This is the way that I have done mine..... All of my featured 3.1 cropped images are cropped as desired in PS and uploaded to a unlisted gallery and then selected from there.
add a link to the caption for the gallery used for.
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Good idea Allen. I never thought of doing that... Done now though, thanks.