Gallery style "Thumbnails" always shows square thumbnails
I have set a gallery to "Thumbnails" and set "Square thumbnails" to OFF. I thought the photos would now appear in the original aspect ratio in a grid, but they are still shown as square thumbs.
I thought that was different before the update.
I thought that was different before the update.
Already tested... and even when using collage style you can set square thumbs on/off. Does not make any sense of course. I think that option should be removed from the gallery settings dialog if thumbnails or collage style is selected or in thumbnails mode it should respect the square thumbs on/off setting and display either original aspect or square thumbs.
I'm sure i had suqare thumbs off in some of my galleries on SM legacy since all photos were landscape. Now, with square thumbs off, the photos show up in original aspect ratio, but there is a lot of extra space between the single rows which make me think the position is calculated for square thumbs.
Without that there is no way to display landscape photos in larger size and multiple columns while all photos should have the same size.
I tried collage landscape again, but even when all photos do have the same size (3000x2000px) the collage view displays sometimes 4, sometimes 3 photos in a row. That means the thumbs do not all have the same size.
I tried journal where all photos do have the same size and correct aspect ratio, but only one column.
I tried a custom page and multiple photos block. I get it to work so all thumbs do have the same size using grid and aspect ratio 3:2 (why do we not have "Original" here?), but the lightbox from here does not have all the panel and navigation tools.
Please make "Square thumbs=Off" work in gallery settings when Gallery view is set to thumbnails so all photos show up in original aspect ratio.
I second the request. At the very least, the Square Thumbs option should only show when it will actually achieve something different when its changed (at that seems very rare). But hopefully we can have it so that in Thumbnail gallery mode it will show the full aspect ratio, just fit into the square size box.
Currently i do not use grid layout but use a custom page instead for galleries with landscape only photos. The lightbox seem to be fixed so this is the best way to do that.
Unless the keyword search is not fixed (independent gallery style with its own gallery settings) the square thumbs option should always be there, even for collage landscape galleries, because i use SM style as default and i want to have always suqare thumbs in here...
Btw: If you have custom cropped thumbnails... NEVER TOUCH THAT SQUARE_THUMBS OPTION! I did that by mistake on a gallery with hundreds of photos with custom crops, and all got reset when i set SQUARE_THUMBS to off and back on...