Why No Communities in New Smug?

johnlogukjohnloguk Registered Users Posts: 137 Major grins
edited August 5, 2013 in SmugMug Support
I have so many complaints about the new Smug layout I honestly don't know where to start, but I shall concentrate on just one that at first glance I can't see mentioned here (although I haven't had chance to go through the long list of issues being brought up).

Why are communities not supported in the new Smug? This might not be the main reason most people came to Smugmug, but it is certainly a major reason for many of us staying through thick and thin over the years. You claim to be responsive to customer requests, well who the hell asked for the communities to be thrown out? In my 6 years with Smug I've not seen one person ask for it, so why do it? I'm not going to go into all the reasons why I, and many others, enjoy the communities, that shouldn't be necessary. One simple question; why do it when no one was requesting it and many thousands of us want to keep them? :dunno


  • ifocusifocus Registered Users Posts: 161 Major grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    Yes, I am truly missing the communities. This was the one feature I really loved. Hopefully, they will get back soon. Could you update us about this?
  • arthillarthill Registered Users Posts: 62 Big grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    Shocked, really
    johnloguk wrote: »
    I have so many complaints about the new Smug layout I honestly don't know where to start, but I shall concentrate on just one that at first glance I can't see mentioned here (although I haven't had chance to go through the long list of issues being brought up).

    Why are communities not supported in the new Smug? This might not be the main reason most people came to Smugmug, but it is certainly a major reason for many of us staying through thick and thin over the years. You claim to be responsive to customer requests, well who the hell asked for the communities to be thrown out? In my 6 years with Smug I've not seen one person ask for it, so why do it? I'm not going to go into all the reasons why I, and many others, enjoy the communities, that shouldn't be necessary. One simple question; why do it when no one was requesting it and many thousands of us want to keep them? ne_nau.gif

    I've been participating in one community every day for the past five years. I don't understand why community support is being dropped and I don't like. Lots of people agree. See http://feedback.smugmug.com/forums/17723-smugmug/suggestions/4249646-fully-support-communities-on-the-new-smugmug

    At least tell us why
    In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, however, there is.
    In order to understand recursion, you first have to understand recursion.
    Art Hill
  • juanherediajuanheredia Registered Users Posts: 345 Major grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    There is no way to socialize our photos and work if we don't use the communities. We always asked for having a platform (as a social network like 500px or Flickr) that supports a better comment system and to see popular photos, etc. If we don't have communities it's like we are hosting our photos isolated from the world only for people who already know our site, but not for getting more. Please reconsider it.
  • jmcqueenjmcqueen Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    The loss of 'Community' in Smugmug is devastating. I wonder if you 'heroes' truly understand what you have taken away. What has always made Smugmug special (in my opinion) has been the people that I've found here. If Smugmug is now to become simply a place to post and sell photos, I can get that elsewhere. The people and the friends that I have found in the Community atmosphere will never be found anywhere else.

    Surely there is a way to allow our communities to continue, if you have the will to do so. And if you do not have the will to do so, then at least give us a reasonable explanation for this decision... please!
  • RocketlilyRocketlily Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    I've too used Smugmug for the past 4 years for being part of a community. I understand the changes for professional photographers and do appreciate the changes, but I would like to continue with being an amateur photographer that is part of a warm community. The atmosphere of the Dailies cannot be reproduced on Flickr or FB.
  • McD1McD1 Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited August 1, 2013
    Bewildered at the lack of support for community on "improved" Smugmug ne_nau.gif.
    They have taken the heart out of SmugMug by not supporting Communities in the "improved" version. I love being a member of the Daily Photo where I have made many friends and learn a lot as well as getting support and inspiration. I am an enthusiast with no desire to be a professional but want to keep learning and improving and the Daily Community members from fellow enthusiasts to professionals make SumugMug for me. No migration until functionality is supported. If forced to move no more money from me and I will very sadly have to leave . Mary
  • julieannesavagejulieannesavage Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited August 1, 2013
    Thanks John for championing this cause. One more thing we've had to deal with over the years that totally sucks. I have used this community for five years and made many cyberfriends from it. Why are you taking away features that we like and want to keep? Do you like driving customers away?

    Janet is completely right. It's the atmosphere and support network. You are making the site just another place to sell photos - hiking up your own profit margins. Most people don't use the site for selling.
  • HershyHershy Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
    edited August 1, 2013
    The Daily community has been my way of sharing and enjoying pictures of people from round the world. Apart from enjoying pictures & learning from others, have also made friends along the way. Communities is an important feature of Smugmug and I sincerely hope you will find a way to incorporate it in the new style Smugmug.
  • ifocusifocus Registered Users Posts: 161 Major grins
    edited August 1, 2013
    In the meantime, you can access using the link http://www.smugmug.com/community/DailyPhotos. The galleries already member of a community are still link to it. Hence, if you publish your daily picture, it will show. My daily is probably good for the new smugmug start up; have a seat, things will get better.
  • johnlogukjohnloguk Registered Users Posts: 137 Major grins
    edited August 2, 2013
    It is interesting that there has been no official response from Smugmug about this. I keep hearing that they have hinted that communities may be retained, and we know they are still their in legacy mode, but please let's have less hints and some concrete answers.
  • GoodieGoodie Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited August 2, 2013
    Daily Community
    One of the main reasons I've stuck with Smug for the last 4 years is the Daily Community. I've met so many good friends and learned so much. I haven't migrated to the new Smugmug yet, because I still want to be able to post in the Dailies as long as it's available. I'm really disappointed and would like an explanation for dropping support for the communities. I think this will cost Smug participants in the future.
  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 3, 2013
    Seems like another issue with the apparent "rushed" implementation. I feel even the rollout video shows this. Seems like they took about an hour to grab some people to a studio, told two other guys to put together something real fast (one didn't have much to say at all). Felt the CEO didn't even have his act together. Sorry, that's they way I saw it. ALso, don't think anyone in the audience was a power-user.

    Keep the communities!
  • KDPoynorKDPoynor Registered Users Posts: 3 Big grins
    edited August 4, 2013
    Like all the other postings here, one of the main reasons for being in Smugmug for the last couple of years has been participation in the communities, particularly the daily community. Please bring them back!
  • johnlogukjohnloguk Registered Users Posts: 137 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2013
    OK, why no official comment from Smugmug on this, is it another case of an inconvenient truth that Smug hope will go away if they ignore it? I know many people are agitated about this and many have contacted Smug individually. Some have received hints that communities may be supported by the new layouts at some point in the future, what is the truth behind this? People have been told that there wasn't enough time to add community support to the new layouts before the launch, but I find that hard to believe because this "upgrade" has been years in the planning. If communities are not supported this will be the final nail in Smug's coffin as far as I'm concerned, and I will be gone when my subscription is due in December.

    I'm finding the new layouts almost impossible to implement, I've wasted many hours which has effectively cost me a lot of money in wasted time and effort. I would like to move into the new layouts, but if they do not support communities then I simply won't bother. So come on Smug, stop ignoring us, what is the official position on this?
  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2013
    Wow, I've been a SM user for 3 years and had no clue about these communities. I believe I joined one when I first set up the site, but I really don't recall a thing about it. Well, good luck in getting your feature back.
  • jsruccijsrucci Registered Users Posts: 118 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2013
    I agree, I enjoyed the communities. It's a great way to get your pictures "out there" for others to find and enjoy. SmugMug, PLEASE bring communities back!


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