Change Unlisted to Listed??

I had been re-organizing my legacy site for a while preparing for a total revamp. As part of this I had created several new sub-categories and galleries which were all unlisted (as I didn't want the public to see them).
I did the migration and used them for my current site- with one slight problem. They are unlisted and I cannot figure out how to list them.
In both Folder and Gallery privacy settings my only options are:
Inheriting (unlisted)
How do I turn on these folders and galleries so they are visible?
I did the migration and used them for my current site- with one slight problem. They are unlisted and I cannot figure out how to list them.
In both Folder and Gallery privacy settings my only options are:
Inheriting (unlisted)
How do I turn on these folders and galleries so they are visible?
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Nope. Same issues in organizer. Doesn't give an option to move unlisted to listed. :cry
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
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As mentioned above. In gallery settings for security and privacy there are only 3 options:
Inheriting (unlisted)
How do I make these categories/ folders/ galleries viewable??
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Yes I understand that but the security options are the same for the folder. There is no option to make viewable or public.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Is the folder or any of its parent folders unlisted?