Bug on HTML boxes?

Not sure if this is a bug, but when I insert this to my home page HTML container some of the text starts another paragraph. The HTML code hasn't changed from my legacy site. I even tried wrapping the code in <html></html> and that didn't work.
Here's a screen print:
<div id="content"> <div id="slideshow"> <h2>Nature Pictures for Sale from Merced, San Luis NWR and Yosemite</h2> <p itemprop="description">Central Valley California landscape, nature, wildlife and inspirational pictures for sale from Merced, San Luis NWR, Yosemite & the Eastern Sierra Nevada.</p> <img src="http://www.imagesinthebackcountry.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/landscape-slideshow.jpg" alt="Landscape" title="Landscape" /> </div> <h1>Central California Landscape and Nature Photography</h1> <p>Welcome to the <a itemprop="url" href="/"><em itemprop="name">Images in the Backcountry</em></a> website! My name is Mike Matenkosky and I’m a Central Valley California photographer specializing in fine art landscape, nature and wildlife photography. From the smallest bird to the largest mountain; I love it all, but my passion is <span itemprop="specialty">Landscape Photography</span>. I just love seeing what God has created!</p> <p>I encourage you to spend some time browsing my online galleries and I hope you find that perfect photograph for your home or office. If you’re looking for something that you don’t see here, visit my <a href="/blog/" title="Images in the Backcountry Blog">nature photography blog</a>. I post all of my new pictures here first, and some of those images never get posted to my <a href="/portfolio/" title="Landscape, Nature, Wildlife, Black & White and Inspirational Galleries">online nature gallery</a>. So I encourage you to <a href="http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=ImagesInTheBackcountry&loc=en_US">subscribe to my blog</a> with updates and new pictures via e-mail.</p> <p>If you have any questions, feel free to <a href="/contact-form/" title="Contacting Mike Matenkosky">contact me</a> and I’ll be happy to help you!</p> <h2>Collections</h2> <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageGallery" class="showcase"><a itemprop="url" href="/Portfolio/Landscape-and-Nature/"><img itemprop="image" src="http://www.imagesinthebackcountry.com/images/showcase/landscape-and-nature.jpg" alt="Landscape and Nature" title="Landscape and Nature" /></a><h2 itemprop="name">Landscape and Nature</h2><p itemprop="description">My landscape and nature collection contains pictures of all types of scenes from the rolling hills of California’s Central valley to the rugged mountains of the Sierra Nevada Range. You’ll see rivers, waterfalls, flowers and the occasional hand-of-man like fences and buildings.</p></div> <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageGallery" class="showcase-odd"><a itemprop="url" href="/Black-White/black-white-sepia-monochrome/"><img itemprop="image" src="http://www.imagesinthebackcountry.com/images/showcase/wildlife.jpg" alt="Wildlife" title="Wildlife" /></a><h2 itemprop="name">Wildlife</h2><p itemprop="description">My wildlife gallery, has a variety of wildlife pictures from Tule Elk or Mule Deer to Hummingbirds or a Nuttall’s Woodpecker at the Merced NWR, San Luis NWR or my backyard.</p></div> <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageGallery" class="showcase"><a itemprop="url" href="/Inspirational/bible-verse/"><img itemprop="image" src="http://www.imagesinthebackcountry.com/images/showcase/black-and-white.jpg" alt="Black and White" title="Black and White" /></a><h2 itemprop="name">Black and White</h2><p itemprop="description">In my black and white gallery, is a mix of landscape and nature pictures in both black & white and sepia-toned images.</p></div> <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageGallery" class="showcase-odd"><a itemprop="url" href="/Portfolio/Wildlife/"><img itemprop="image" src="http://www.imagesinthebackcountry.com/images/showcase/inspirational.jpg" alt="Inspirational" title="Inspirational" /></a><h2 itemprop="name">Inspirational</h2><p itemprop="description">In my inspirational nature gallery, you will find Bible verses overlaid on selected nature and landscape pictures. You can always find a picture from one of my galleries and I can add your favorite Bible verse to it at no extra charge.</p></div> </div>
Here's a screen print:
- Mike
Images in the Backcountry
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Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Take a look at what is right after "Welcome to the"
Looks like they're inserting a </p> right before most of the <a> tags, but not all of them. I call this a bug.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk