White-Inyo Solitude

Traveled to the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest for a memorial and stayed a few extra days for solitude and some photography. Just got a new Canon 6d and here are a couple of it's first images:
C&C always welcome.......
1. Old bristlecone at Patriarch Grove with Sheep Mountain in the background. General elevation in the grove is 11.000 ft., with the treeline at about 11,700 ft. However, due to the warming trend, young trees are now found growing above 12,000 ft. f16 1/45 17mm

2. This tree is one of the most elegant in the grove. It's late afternoon and there is a storm approaching. We were hoping for a great sunset and some stars but it was not to be. We got lighting, hail and rain instead...... it was awesome.

3. For those that don't already know, the bristlecones are the longest living trees in the world. Deadwood such as this can be thousands of years old. f16 1/90 17mm

4. Panoramic view looking southeast at Deep Springs Valley and the northern reaches of Death Valley beyond. This view is just steps away from our campsite. Elevation here is about 8600 feet.

5. A couple from Mono Lake, a stop on the way home. This one taken as the last sun was striking only the hightest clouds. f16 1/8 17mm

6. Mono Lake f16 1/10 17mm
C&C always welcome.......
1. Old bristlecone at Patriarch Grove with Sheep Mountain in the background. General elevation in the grove is 11.000 ft., with the treeline at about 11,700 ft. However, due to the warming trend, young trees are now found growing above 12,000 ft. f16 1/45 17mm

2. This tree is one of the most elegant in the grove. It's late afternoon and there is a storm approaching. We were hoping for a great sunset and some stars but it was not to be. We got lighting, hail and rain instead...... it was awesome.

3. For those that don't already know, the bristlecones are the longest living trees in the world. Deadwood such as this can be thousands of years old. f16 1/90 17mm

4. Panoramic view looking southeast at Deep Springs Valley and the northern reaches of Death Valley beyond. This view is just steps away from our campsite. Elevation here is about 8600 feet.

5. A couple from Mono Lake, a stop on the way home. This one taken as the last sun was striking only the hightest clouds. f16 1/8 17mm

6. Mono Lake f16 1/10 17mm

These are very sharp, and usually, that is a good thing, right?
But, I think I agree with Taz's (Stumblebum) comment in your other thread that some (#3 and #4 here) may be almost too sharp - I'm on the fence because we all lust after sharpness!
Are you using the 17-40mm f4L here?.... 'cause I find that with this lens on FF, I have to really cut back (to almost none) on sharpening in post to avoid the effect Taz noted.
Thanks Eric & Taz..... I think you are both right about the sharpening..... I've been working on these images using the "high pass" method and it seems to be much more pleasing. This is my first venture into FF.... and there is a big difference. Yes Eric, I use the 17-40 f4L (so nice to finally have the full 17mm!) and it is a sharp lens.
Bristlecones and Mono Lake are two of my favorite locations!
Pics: http://stevehymon.smugmug.com
Blog: http://stevehymonphotos.blogspot.com
Link to my Smugmug site
Yes Kdog, sometimes the weather gods are favorable. So often in the summer it is just blue sky. Thanks, these old bristlecones have such lush green foliage.
Thanks Oso, I like that image too. I'm thinking of cropping a little sky, thereby bringing the horizon a little more off-center?