Fan of Alien Bees?
Just trying to get an idea of these lighting systems are any good. The price for the DigiBee setup sounds great but I am wondering if they are throwing in the low quality stuff or at least not as desired.
They seem to work well and have great support.
I do have a slight problem with the wireless system.They will miss fire about every eight shot
Overall they are great for the price
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Then again,it all depends on what your planning to do.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Good luck
I have 3 Alien Bees 800's. I started with one light + the large octabox + boom stand. You can get a lot done with a single light and a reflector.
I ended up buying 2 more 800's. Mostly to learn more lighting techniques.
Love them. I use them mostly for portrait work.
It's nice to have them all the same power so you can get a sense of the shadows from the modeling lights. But it's not essential.