Bio Box JS now hidden in Legacy Smugmug
My Bio Box is now blank in Legacy Smugmug. The JFriend slideshow Activation Code is not visible but must be there because the slideshow still runs.
I can not see the code therefore I can not edit it.
I can not see the code therefore I can not edit it. Houston, TX
I replaced the code from my file Cut/Paste and the slide show resumed working.
Code becomes invisible again after save
I tried several times to delete the invisible code again without success.
I am back where I started, unable to edit the biobox code
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
My Website index | My Blog
galleryURL: "/gallery/29783362_mPhVgW#!i=2552197579&k=bK3NTPv",
transition list: "fade, revealleft, revealright, revealfromcenter, revealdownright"
randomslideorder: "true",
height: "900",
width: "900" }
) ;
and my toolbar got disabled. I can no longer get to settings or advanced customization