


  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2013
    Explanation for ALL Keyword need
    I can see in certain places only showing the TOP 255 keywords or a more limited number. If I create a page for ALL keywords, then I would expect all keywords there. Optionally, they could be sorted by TOP or sorted alphabetically. In my case, I would use alphabetically. I have the problem where SM used my filenames to create keywords (before they added an option to turn that off). So, I have tons of what looks like garbage numbers. Hoping alpha order would place all those numbers together where they can be easily skipped. The reason for having all showing in alpha order is so someone interested in a specific "thing" could scroll down the alpha listings and see if I have what they are looking for. I see that this actually seems to work doing a normal SEARCH (not in the keyword area). The person might type in my SEARCH string the correct word, maybe not. If they could peruse the keywords, they could see exactly how I put it in or whether I have it at all. Some like you suggest, don't need, want, or care about ALL their keywords. I do. Hope this explains my need.

    In the example or issue described before your post, I see his "cloud" of keywords just fine on my Mac and using Chrome. They are like a ball that you can scroll up, down, left, right, etc. Pretty cool. But if I was looking for a specific keyword in his cloud, I would have a hard time as it does not appear to have a structured alpha grouping. That's just me. I think it looks VERY cool, though and I wonder how he did that!
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2013
    ablichter wrote: »
    Why would you need more than say 500 keywords visible on your site? I am pretty sure a list with more than 500 keywords does not good to customers, respectively creates more irritation than it would help you to sell.
    I have 615 keywords assigned on my public site. This is what you see on the /keyword page of my
    legacy site. Are you suggesting I should switch to another hobby that has fewer species? Hog Wash!

    If you click a keyword (/keyword page NewSmug) and go the its photo gallery there is now a limit of
    1000 on the NewSmug. I have a few keywords over a 1000, two in particular 2357 & 2455. Most are
    under 1000 though.

    Do I just let Smug pick the ones they show? Do I have to go through those 2455 and remove 1455
    keywords from photos? Each time I add more do I have to remove some so the limit is maintained?

    BTW, this is not the 255 limited keyword widget added to a page on the NewSmug. The link in both
    the NewSmug and Legacy sites is /keyword.
    The NewSumg search using a keyword only returns a 1000 of the 2455 on my site.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • WinsomeWorksWinsomeWorks Registered Users Posts: 1,935 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2013
    ablichter wrote: »
    I saw you complaining about that in almost any thread around.
    We have to distinct here: the normal /keyword page/link seems to be unpredictable and only shows 12, 100, 42, 50 or 101 keywords. This might be a bug.

    The -> Content Block -> Discovery -> Keyword Cloud only supports max. 255 keywords. I feel this is much more than I (and people = customers) need.

    Why would you need more than say 500 keywords visible on your site? I am pretty sure a list with more than 500 keywords does not good to customers, respectively creates more irritation than it would help you to sell.
    Like Al says, there are lots of reasons for ourselves AND customers to be able to see a page with much more than 255 keywords. 255 is nothing; It doesn't even cover the names in my family-- I have humongous families on both parents' sides! Also, I'm guessing you don't keyword a lot of species of trees, plants, flowers, birds, etc. That gobbles up keywords very fast-- first you've often got several different common names, then a scientific name, then all the locations... town, county, state, country...

    I don't display my keywords under each photo like some people do. I don't particularly want the mess in my galleries. But I want to give people the ability to look up a keyword on one of my pages, click on it & see all the photos with that keyword. Since they're in alphabetical order, they're very easy to find. My 7 siblings find photos of their families all the time that way, find photos from various years, events, etc. What's more, it's handy for me sometimes too. I don't want to go into all the reasons right now, but there are many. I want to see them on a page whether I'm logged in or out. Everyone has a different thrust with their photography... to each his/ her own.
    Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
    DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
  • ablichterablichter Registered Users Posts: 294 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    I have 615 keywords assigned on my public site. This is what you see on the /keyword page of my legacy site. Are you suggesting I should switch to another hobby that has fewer species? Hog Wash! /
    Argh, come on, don't make drama out of it. I didn't say you shouldn't collect and keywording them. ;)
    But I try to understand, what a visible list with more than 500 entries is good for, in your believe. Or asked different: what you want to achieve with a huge visible keyword list? Is it a SEO thing for your or a nice toy?
    If you click a keyword (/keyword page NewSmug) and go the its photo gallery there is now a limit of 1000 on the NewSmug. I have a few keywords over a 1000, two in particular 2357 & 2455. Most are under 1000 though.
    Yeah I read that also a lot now. It seems to be a display limit not an overall limit, but consider it as a bug.
    Do I just let Smug pick the ones they show? Do I have to go through those 2455 and remove 1455 keywords from photos? Each time I add more do I have to remove some so the limit is maintained?
    Same here, I believe it's a bug and only a display limit, but they are still there and crawl and use able. Which is keywords main function and not classifying. But I might be wrong that's why I doing some tests right now with 2.000+ images.

    Leave them, they MIGHT draw interested people from google or other crawlers to your site(s). Might. If you use the right one.

    The point is: people first have to know about you and your site and if you are not to find by good keywords and descriptions, keyword lists are only a more or less nice toy in here. Saying so, while assuming they are dynamical built and not parsed by Google. But I might be wrong here.

    But at a certain point (huge number of images for one keyword) this keywords get useless (on a website) Do you believe people are going through 118 pages to check all images of warblers?
    It is like adding the keyword "photos" to all of your images ;)

    I believe it does not work that way. A good structured site would be much better, -> categories -> subcategories -> galleries. IMHO. More detailed keywords (I know you have them) and description helps users more.

    Saying so, also "Germany/Deutschland" as keywords for example in digital art or abstract images like mine do not make much sense... it's not much of interest where they were taken and should taken away from them. But since they are coming by a Geodata Software it's okay. And they are not abused for aggregating images online - which makes a difference here.

    Still not sure if it is a SEO matter, a nice toy or an "it always was like this and have to be by this" matter for you, but assuming keywords is a SEO thing for you, you need to use Google Analytics to see if and how a keyword list is needed/used.
    Check how many returning users you have (but exclude those coming from here clicking on the link of your website, because of the subjects of your posts and your own interaction)
    I you have lots of returning users they might be more interested to see your recent images. Or maybe a keyword list - I doubt this, but you can check that in GA as well.
    Check how often was navigate to the keyword list and if, was it the last page (so called exit page), for example because people were wrongly lead to it by a google search and left disappointed.

    BTW: should I see something in every gallery within "bird gallery No.1" or are there placeholders? Because lots of the galleries are empty, showing nothing, for example "new hampshire birds" or the gallerie "illionois birds" (keyword: "birds in illionois")

    Or are they broken because you use new/old/different keywords to aggregate images in there? Like e.g. old "new hampshire birds" instead of "birds in new hampshire" which seems to be an active keyword?

    Don't tell it's a keyword matter - I am not gleeful, but than I have quote Dr. Ian Malcolm:
    Boy, do I hate being right all the time!
    (Jurassic Park) ;-)
  • WinsomeWorksWinsomeWorks Registered Users Posts: 1,935 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2013
    I think you'll find Al isn't the sort to get overly dramatic! He's always been a very straight-shooter around here as far as I can tell.. he just goes back to work. A bit of frustration is justified in this case. He was simply defending the particular use he has on his particular site, with his particular site, for certain types of keyword lists and keyword searches. If you've pored over his site a lot, you see that he's seen and photographed all kinds of rare or rarely-seen species, but he's also done a huge lot of documentation through his photography and note-taking & captions and dates & places. I'm sure neither you or I have even the faintest clue of how many very dedicated and highly educated scientists, biologists, ornithologists, environmentalists, as well as casual birders have been assisted through visiting Al's site.

    To that end, I'm quite sure you're wrong about people looking through 118 pages of keyrworded warblers. Are you kidding? I myself have been on photography sites with galleries full of photos of one particular species or place or art or music, because I'm bonkers and sometimes focused very completely on something that may seem to others like a tiny boring detail of our world. There's no doubt whatsoever that Al, and people like him who've been systematically working at a very deep interest such as birds, has gazillions of return visitors. And they would very likely be glad (as I am, when I've been on his site) to have the ease of clicking on a keyword such as "warbler" find every warbler there. Remember, once they've clicked on a keyword & are now in a gallery full of pages of warbler photos or whatever, now they can narrow it down from there on their own if they want.

    As to the empty galleries & such... I don't know whether you're seeing old site or new, but remember SmugMug is having severe & major issues with Smart Galleries right now. A lot of people are dealing with a myriad of problems such as keyword Smart Galleries not populating, etc. I don't know if that's the problem, but we're going to have to expect it for awhile as SmugMug appears to be deluged by bugs. Anyway, off to supper. Again, we all have differing purposes here, both in displaying our photos as well as coming to view photos. Since I'm bird-crazy myself, I may have a whole different way of browsing a site like Al's than another person might.
    Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
    DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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