M is for Meteor shower, in this case the Leonid meteor shower last November which was a near-total bust. Instead of seeing hundreds of meteors per hour, I only saw six in three hours but I did catch one! That is the near-vertical trail on the far left. The horizontal trails are airplanes lining up for landing at Denver International Airport:
I is for Italian motorcycles:
J = Japanese motorcycle
gspep.smugmug.com & steendorp.smugmug.com
FB: www.facebook.com/peter.perdaen - Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/1150GSPEP/videos
K is for Kangerlussuaq Airport

K is for leaving Köln main trainstation
My SmugMug
L is for Lark

M is for Meteor shower, in this case the Leonid meteor shower last November which was a near-total bust. Instead of seeing hundreds of meteors per hour, I only saw six in three hours but I did catch one! That is the near-vertical trail on the far left. The horizontal trails are airplanes lining up for landing at Denver International Airport:
N is for Nuthatch

O is for flying Over the Alps
My SmugMug
P is for Padlocks
Q = Quattro
gspep.smugmug.com & steendorp.smugmug.com
FB: www.facebook.com/peter.perdaen - Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/1150GSPEP/videos
R is for the River Rhine in Remagen
My SmugMug
R is for Rain

S is for Spoonbill

T is for Tulips (and a dream of spring!)
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
U is for Uprooted
My SmugMug
V is for Tufted Vetch

W is for Windmill
My SmugMug
X is in the wings

Y is for Yellow in the wings and body of a butterfly
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Z is for a monkey in the Zoo
My SmugMug
A is for Red Admiral

B is for Boiler (long abandoned at 13,000 ft - 3,962 m):
C is for Chandelier with a Cross
My SmugMug
D is for Dragonfly

E is for Engine
F is for fire engine

G is for Going fast to nowhere:
H is for Hydnophytum simplex
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I is for Ice

J is for multiple Joints
My SmugMug