Newsite: Batch edit keywords?
Where can I find the keyword editor? I need to strip a few keywords across multiple galleries, but can't see how with the new site design...
Wrench icon at top > Captions and Keywords
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Has anyone found a solution in the new and "improved" Smugmug? I kind of can't believe they'd make me click on each individual photo to set / change its keywords. Bulk photo caption/keyword page my foot.
It's not worth the yearly fee if it eats into an hourly wage like that.
Although it's all done on the Organizer page now.
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Help page is at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Denise, thanks for your reply. However my issue stands.
On the page you're directing me to, I still have to select photos by clicking on each one to change keywords. Even a click-and-drag option to select more than one photo at once is not available. So whether it's on the gallery or on the "keywords & captions" page, Smugmug's bulk editing method is way too outdated for me to use on 1,000's of photos.
The gallery DOES have a shift-select or ctrl-select function that lets me pick lots of photos (for moving around). Why this wouldn't extend to editing keywords is a complete mystery.
Go into the organizer.
Click on a gallery to select it.
Then click the wrench and select Captions & Keywords.
You will then see the same tool you saw in legacy smug.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at