Feed from Blogger Problem

I set up a Feed Block on my homepage that hosts the main feed from my blog. It works, no problem. This post is not about that.
What I am asking for help is for something very specific. I wanted to see if I could set up a feed to a specific blog entry. I'm hoping this may be a way for me to work around the site not supporting iframes (really!?!? WHY???), and the HTML block not working for me at all.
Here's the thread about that.
Blogger allows you to get a feed for a specific label. Here's the code you use.
I created a special label for a specific post, used it in the above code, along with my blogname in the right place. I pasted it into the Feed Block and PRESTO! It worked!

I hit preview and DAMN it dissapeared!

What is happening here???
Also, on my original blog page I used HTML to code my page. I used bullet points to format a particular section. While my formatting over all translated, like centering, etc., bullets did not. Anyone from Smugmug know why?
On my original blog.

On the page in the Customizer, NOT the Preview as that doesn't appear.
What I am asking for help is for something very specific. I wanted to see if I could set up a feed to a specific blog entry. I'm hoping this may be a way for me to work around the site not supporting iframes (really!?!? WHY???), and the HTML block not working for me at all.
Here's the thread about that.
Blogger allows you to get a feed for a specific label. Here's the code you use.
Notice, I broke the http or this forum auto creates a link...ht tp://www.YOURBLOG.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/YOURLABEL
I created a special label for a specific post, used it in the above code, along with my blogname in the right place. I pasted it into the Feed Block and PRESTO! It worked!

I hit preview and DAMN it dissapeared!

What is happening here???
Also, on my original blog page I used HTML to code my page. I used bullet points to format a particular section. While my formatting over all translated, like centering, etc., bullets did not. Anyone from Smugmug know why?
On my original blog.

On the page in the Customizer, NOT the Preview as that doesn't appear.
