[Fixed] Featured Photos not displaying in visitor view for Passworded Galleries

Having an issue with Featured Photos not displaying on the visitor view for Passworded Galleries. Have set and reset multiple galleries' Featured Photos to no avail. HELP!!
In the gallery settings, turn "External Embedding" on:
BRILLIANT!!! Thank you, thank you!!
Logged in - looks great!
Logges out - looks broken! :pissed
I have over 100 galleries like this. Will we be fixing this? Or should I come up with a new plan?
I have submitted this to my dev team to investigate...I will update you as soon as I hear back.
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I have external embedding on and all pubic stuff on. It allows me to post a family photo in my blog
when I want. Also allows the feature photo to shown.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
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Yeah? Doesn't seem to be working for me?
At least it's not working like it did on old SM. Has the functionality changed?
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
My gallery http://dutchphotographer.smugmug.com/National-Parks/Best-Landscape-photos doesn't pick up the photos from a passworded gallery unless I login or have entered the password for the gallery before.
I just set a feature photo for the 4th folder, Stephanie and Michael.
You need to manually choose a featured photo for folders in the Folder Settings.
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Not sure where you are pointing to. That link goes to the gallery, and I don't see any galleries or folders on your site (after a very brief look) that don't show featured photos. Can you provide more information?
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So back with old SmugMug, I used to create a sub category that was something like:
Then in that sub category I would have 4 galleries: Preparation, Ceremony, Formals, Reception
When all of the photos were uploaded, I would go through each 4 galleries and set a Feature Photo to show. Then if you were browsing the /Wedding-Clients sub cat, you would see a photo for each of the wedding sub cats (like /Christine-Scotts-Wedding-CT). SmugMug would just randomly choose one to display for the sub cat. As with all of my client galleries, they're password protected and external sharing is turned off.
Now, this is what my /Wedding-Clients category looks like when I'm not logged in:
If I am logged in, I see this when I navigate into one of the sub cats:
And when I'm logged in, this is what my /Wedding-Client galleries look like:
I have a feeling I know how to fix this - I think I need to set feature photos for the gallery "Folder" (what used to be the sub cats) and that feature photo needs to be from a gallery that allows external linking. I guess the point is that it doesn't work like it used to, and if you had Featured Photos set before, the setting didn't really carry over.
first sub-cat I think. Might feature thumb on the first one shown on the folder page.
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Sorry, my fault. I mixed up not seeing collected photos from a passworded gallery with not seeing the featured photo. The collected photo from passworded galleries is already a listed bug ( that I hope will be fixed soon, it's a very annoying bug).
Thanks for the response though.
You are 100% correct. The featured photo must be taken from a gallery with external links turned on. I removed the feature photo on the folder i added it too, btw
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
He hasn't chosen featured photos for those folders, that's why it is not showing for you. If he chooses the photos, they should show. We aren't automatically setting featured photos from Password galleries
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