just unveiled

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Big grinsGrasonville, MDPosts: 0 Big grins
edited August 2, 2013 in SmugMug Support
Smugs, took 30 mins to figure out the customizer and settle on a first pass theme. Overall I think you definitely made it a simple process to upgrade. I didn't heavily customize earlier, but what I lost in upgrading I think I make back in overall look. Was a little confused about the use of folder/gallery in a few of the menus, where the new site doesn't consider my galleries galleries - it says folders. Then further down in selection galleries for display it says "galleries".

Guess there is no way to make 100% of the customers happy 100% of the time, and to be honest I held off switching because some of the negative remarks I was reading. I think its a fear of change thing. Keep up the good work - Now add some more features pronto to justify a renewal in November. I don't sell much here, I move more on the wall, but maybe the new look will generate some interest.
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