legacy site, loss of galleries, no migration

starrynightstarrynight Registered Users Posts: 69 Big grins
edited August 2, 2013 in SmugMug Support
I now have the loss of galleries in a legacy site. I suppose I should be reporting this directly to smugmug in some way, rather than on this forum, but I wanted to detail the issues for others. It's particularly important for those of you who are doubting this issue reported by others -- because I wouldn't have dreamed to check without having read the forum. Visitors to the site would have just found missing galleries and assumed I'd removed them.

I have not "migrated" this site. I have not even logged in as an owner of the site. My entire site is password protected, so I can't give folks a link to look at the issue.

I have galleries under sports/basketball, sports/soccer, sports/ultimate (sports main category, and the sport as subcategory). Now, when I enter the site as a visitor (and enter the sitewide password), click on the sports category, and then basketball, I get the "No galleries Found" screen (same issue for the other sub categories). The page displays xxxx/Other/Basketball (and clicking other returns me to the "Other" category, not to the sports category).

I am both livid and very sad. Presumably they will have to fix this issue. And, fortunately I'm not a commercial user using the site for my business. But, I loved smugmug precisely because I thought smugmug wouldn't put frills before substance.
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