NOTICE:Change for the DSS challenges

Starting on DSS round #135, we will be extending the challenge time frame to 4 weeks instead of 2. This is due to low participation. Hopefully, this will give everyone more time to enter something! All the other rules will stay the same! Thank you for your participation!:thumb
I have already edited the rules to show the 4 weeks, but again, it will apply from #135 and on.
I have already edited the rules to show the 4 weeks, but again, it will apply from #135 and on.
The thing that I have been missing more than the number of entries is the participation in the threads prior to entering an image in the gallery. We used to have quite the banter going on. Even if I wasn't able to enter, I always learned something from the feedback given to others. Is there a way to encourage it? That's where so much of the learning takes place. Shooting and entering is great practice, but reading and reacting to the comments of others adds so much to the experience.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Personally I have just had so much going on that I never seem to find the time anymore.
My SmugMug
I know there's been some speculation that limiting the prizes and getting rid of the Mega challenges ha s hurt participation. i do wish they'd bring back the Megas, even if it is without prizes. It was a good target to shoot for (no pun intended). And the Mega, itself, was some really fun, but tough competition.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
My SmugMug Galleries
I'm not sure those were the exact words, and it might be just the way I took it. It has been a long time ago, I don't even recall what the started it or where to find it.
My SmugMug
Prizes have had an effect for sure. It is nice to have an incentive along with the learning. I found myself working harder and trying more things when I did not place.
I know work and family health issues have taken more of my time. When I do go out shooting it is chasing my favorite subjects. I do come in and look at what is going on, but have not been able to participate like in the past.
I do try and steer new shooters to this venue when ever I can, I still think it is one of the best forums.
Bring back the Megas. No need for a super prize.
Stretching out the challenge time to 4 weeks will kill the board completely IMO.
The main reasons I loved entering these challenges besides the feedback, was the challenge of getting into a Mega and the quick turnaround.
Just bring back the Mega rounds with a lessor prize than before.
Light is everything in life and photography.
I enjoy the challenges more if it pushes me to develop some skills rather than the ones which rely on setting up and photographing props of some kind. Not so much interested in product photography.
I agree that 4 weeks is too long. Maybe three weeks when people are out and about on vacation or holidays and go back to two weeks during the regular years? I don't think the lack of participation is because of the time frame. It may just be that this time of year people are busier.
I find it clumsy to go to comment on photos being considered for the Challenge to other threads. I hesitate to post photos in another thread because I don't want to impose on people's good nature to give me criticism. I don't often go to other people's threads to comment and I should, but sometimes my comment would be that I don't like the picture (and that goes for commenting on the actual Challenge submissions also). I have specific likes and dislikes that are not mainstream opinions. For instance I really don't like straight black and white photography done digitally. When we were using film and the printing was a part of the process, there was some artistry to it. Not so much just doing stuff on the computer.