Javascript support in HTML customisation
Removing Javascript removes a huge set of capability from customisation options.
Your new editor parses and removes Javascript from the HTML blocks.
I request an option to bypass the javascript filtering in the HTML block if a user accepts an "at their own risk" clickthrough. Even happy for future support to be contingent on temporarily removing the Javascript elements from the customisation.
Neil Gardner
Your new editor parses and removes Javascript from the HTML blocks.
I request an option to bypass the javascript filtering in the HTML block if a user accepts an "at their own risk" clickthrough. Even happy for future support to be contingent on temporarily removing the Javascript elements from the customisation.
Neil Gardner
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This is exactly what I said about Javascript a few days ago. Put a big warning in red text above the JS box "we don't support this, if you break your site it's not our problem, we won't help unless you remove it"... and let us use it. Honestly, most of these new feature requests wouldn't even exist if you simply restore the use of JS.
That being said, SmugMug could develop a fancier JavaScript customisation system that would sidestep some of those compatibility problems. For example, they could add support for developer-provided custom JS widgets, which developers can maintain and would automatically update on every site that has embedded one of those widgets.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
The legal issues which you mention I also raised a few days back. They seem to focus, from a legal perspective, on keeping (allegedly) the patent rolls at bay rather than honouring their own legal obligations for the products and services they sell to their Clients, which has a much larger impact on SM as they are charging a fee-for-service.