Custom background color on new I doing this right?

Hey guys I don't have my site revieled yet so there won't be any way to show you what I'm trying to do. Though I wanted to see if I am doing this right. I am trying to add the same color I have right now to my new SM site. So I went to Entire Website dropped a CSS box into there and then copy and pasted my body code into that CSS box. Is this right? If so I'm not sure what I am doing wrong because as I see it my site just has a grayish blue background color. I can do a screen grab if that is helpful so just let me know. I have a lot of work head of me and for someone who is learning code on the fly I have a feel this is going to take awhile.
KO Photography
Thanks for the advice I'll have to give that some thought what was the file size that you used for the image and what was the resolution size. I don't know much about web design but from what I was told the only problem with images as a background is it slow down your site so I was told to use as much CSS as possible. I don't know I could be wrong on this but it was just what I was told.
Example using your color scheme.
Size 5000 x 10000
File Size 764.78 KB
That's not big enough to slow down anything.
I disagree with your assessment on downloading 3/4 of a megabyte. It's a high-speed world out there, but that'll take at least a little time to get down to some folks (especially on mobile connections)...
Thank you both for you input on this issue. I was able to get my css to work for my color scheme I'm really not sure what was wrong but I basically started from starch since now we are able to make multiple theme's. All I did was added a CSS box to the "entire site" section and entered in my code that I had gotten from a CSS generator. Due to the fact that I know very little about CSS and coding I try to do things as simple as possible and generators are a great way to allow me to do this. Anyways thanks again!