Gallery feature image still not showing??
I dont think I am setting my expectations to high, but surely it is not too much to expect a simple visual effect to work in a website designed for images??
I still have the situation where my password protected galleries (Clients images) do not show the feature image as a thumbnail, but just an empty square with a ?
I have emailed the SM hero's, twice, and I am still awaiting a response some 3 days later!!
All very frustrating and certainly not professional.
I still have the situation where my password protected galleries (Clients images) do not show the feature image as a thumbnail, but just an empty square with a ?
I have emailed the SM hero's, twice, and I am still awaiting a response some 3 days later!!
All very frustrating and certainly not professional.
Gosh!! I have to reply to my own post.
After much frustration I have finally cracked the problem and have a solution, TFFT
For anyone else with the same problem of PW gallery not shown featured image, do this
Organise - Organise Site - Choose the offending gallery - click settings - next choose Social & Security - and now allow external embedding
folder example:
External embedding didn't seem to work at first, but now it does. Still a pain to have to modify hundreds of galleries. At least it's fairly simple in the Organizer (not really any faster though because you have to wait many minutes for the system to catch up). Also, what are we opening ourselves up to? External embedding? I don't want these images on blogs if they are in a password protected gallery.
--- (smugmug) (wordpress)
Hope that helps!