Old code not working with new smugmug?
My site is
First off, I am loving the potential of the new smugmug! Thanks so much for this amazing transformation!
However, here is my problem.
I am trying to link this page (from my legacy or original site design) to my new smugmug site design.
However the page code doesn't seem to be properly recognized by my new smugmug site, because the page is not displaying like the original.
Here is how the new page is displaying
I hope this makes sense. What do I need to change in the code for my new site to display the page properly?
Thanks for your help.
My site is
First off, I am loving the potential of the new smugmug! Thanks so much for this amazing transformation!
However, here is my problem.
I am trying to link this page (from my legacy or original site design) to my new smugmug site design.
However the page code doesn't seem to be properly recognized by my new smugmug site, because the page is not displaying like the original.
Here is how the new page is displaying
I hope this makes sense. What do I need to change in the code for my new site to display the page properly?
Thanks for your help.
Unfortunately this description doesn't make much sense, especially since both links point to the *same page* for other viewers. What does 'the page code' refer to and from where are you accessing it in the new SM? Is the folder unlisted or private by chance?
I think what you may be trying to describe has to do with common issues folks seem to be having in understanding how page navigation works in the new SM.
My Smugmug Gallery
I don't know much about code, but I just opened both your posted links and they are both exactly the same, by looks of them I'd say both legacy.
I think the issue here may be that links into our 'sandbox' aren't valid (to visitors) and default to legacy. Just as there's no visitor view as many have noted and asked for. I just tried on my site and the same thing...cut and pasted a link from new smug and it went to the exact page in legacy.
Your best bet will be to post screen shots of your new smug page(s) in question.
Hope that helps.
Here is the code for this page http://www.shanemcdermottphotography...7520&k=Rn7rBWd
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When I try to link my new SM home page to this page
of my existing site and preview it, it doesn't look anything like it does in my legacy view site?
Don't know what else to say.
I think I get what you are saying after seeing your code and looking at your old site. First of all I have to ask, do you really want your new site to look exactly like the old SM? The reason I ask this is that you have some really epic photography which I think would be highlighted so much better in one of the new themes. Just my opinion of course. In other words why not test out the new looks/themes first before trying to recreate the old?
If instead you say 'No, I want it like it was before' then you can do that pretty easily in the new SM. But don't use all that old code. Instead try using the new page design features built into SM now. That's how its designed to work now and its so much easier to setup and adjust. Here's how:
1. Create a new folder called "galleries' or something similar.
2. Then go to 'Organize Site' and drag and drop what you want in it.
3. Go to 'Customize Site' and adjust the layout, theme and content from there.
BTW, some choose to create a 'Page' instead and customize the layout even more that way. But your layout is so simple I'm not sure that would be needed.
My Smugmug Gallery