One more bug for Search page
When moveing the mouse over a photo from search page results it will bring up the preview. If you have a pinned side bar this will overlap with the preview. See screenshot.
edit:nevermind, got it now! shows in search results if you type something, but not if you click a keyword....
Yes... i just tested other designs and that popup preview appears on every design.
Looks like that is fixed now because i just tried again and the preview is now displayed on top of the pinned side bar. :ivar
When you enter a search phrase and get the results, the preview popup may be shown on top of the pinned sidebar.
If you scroll down a bit and if you hover the same photo again it will now be overlapped by the pinned sidebar. Even if you scroll back on top of the search results this will not get reverted, the photo preview that has worked before now also appears under the pinned sidebar.
See screenshot.
I simply would change the margins for the results block but that can't be modified. I changed the layout from stretchy to fixed but depending on screen width this will still happen.
Sorry off-topic! Was your first example photo from a Carnival Cruise? Seems like I have images of those two people!
[OFFTOPIC]No... these were photos from the biggest Sci-Fi convention in europe (FedCon) and the first two were Eve Myles and John Barrowman from the TV Series Torchwood [/OFFTOPIC]
back on topic: Not a show stopper to me but it does not look very "professional"... might also be a browser issue. In the past fe days i found a few things that really depend on the browser and even up2date firefox is not fully supported. Using chrome might be the recommended solution but i can't force any of my visitors to use chrome instead. And OperaNext might work like chrome (since both browser will use the blink rendering engine) but OperaNext is available for Win only right now.
Well... time to play a bit a different design that is not using a pinned sidebar
Photo Blog