Pinterest blocking
Those numpties who run smug mug have now gone and removed the ability to insert meta tags...
Well thats what "support" told me this morning
All i want to do is insert the no pin meta code back into my website to prevent the magpie like theft that is encouraged by pintheft.
I know i cannot fully stop them but i want to display my images well and the larger the better (within reason)
so any ideas how to do this?
Initially they said just put it in an html box but then they realised they were talking mince and told me it can't be done but look here
i have looked and all i see if people wanting to pin
Am getting a bit annoyed with support since the new changes its all nice and pretty but it lacks a lot of features i took for granted before and no pinning was one of them
thanks in advance
I want to insert code like this
<meta name = "pinterest" content = "nopin" description = "Sorry, this user does not allow pinning" />:rolleyes
Those numpties who run smug mug have now gone and removed the ability to insert meta tags...
Well thats what "support" told me this morning
All i want to do is insert the no pin meta code back into my website to prevent the magpie like theft that is encouraged by pintheft.
I know i cannot fully stop them but i want to display my images well and the larger the better (within reason)
so any ideas how to do this?
Initially they said just put it in an html box but then they realised they were talking mince and told me it can't be done but look here
i have looked and all i see if people wanting to pin
Am getting a bit annoyed with support since the new changes its all nice and pretty but it lacks a lot of features i took for granted before and no pinning was one of them
thanks in advance
I want to insert code like this
<meta name = "pinterest" content = "nopin" description = "Sorry, this user does not allow pinning" />:rolleyes
I really dislike having my images exposed to thieving from pinterest due to smug mugs updates
There really should have been warning about these sorts of things.
Smug mug the home of customisation where you cant add in a meta tag
so smugmug need to either allow us to edit the metatags or have a 'block pinterest' option added.
pinterest only brought this code out to partially silence those who do not want their work used without licensing fees being paid.
A lot of my work has ended up on there next to vaginas and penises
they "have" a filter but its not that clever and i sure don't want my images pinned next to spread lady gardens!
and i quote
"At the moment you can turn external linking OF to avoid pinning.
We are planing to release a solution for this in future versions of the New SmugMug."
HARDLY A SOLUTION is it if you have to turn off ALL external linking to stop pintheft!
How is a "pro" supposed to keep the money flow...
I dont't want to insert any code at all - or construct the engine for my car for that sake.
I would just like a checkbox or an on button adding the functionality to my site. I don't care how it is done. We have to move away from coding.
That would be nice, however it will be impractical. Because for every javascript function we list on here, there will be dozens more that become available over the next year or so. And I don't think smugmug will be able to add a checkbox for every one of them without it becoming a) incredibly time consuming on their developers; and b) leading to an incredibly complex user interface.
Certainly for the most commonly used javascript functions, boxes should be provided (this seems to be wufoo forms, paypal integration). But there's some stuff which is specific to certain users - its not code cut and pasted that's the same on every site, it's stuff that's been written and tailored for an individual.
Another example - Google+ launched in June 2011. Some of us embraced it, and were able to add code to our sites to support it on day 1. It was two years later that Smugmug felt that there was sufficient demand to add native support for it (perhaps they were right, and most site owners were largely uninterested). Even then, they missed the bit about adding a +1 button.
The only solution seems to be a combination of increasing the number of drag and drop tools available, so non-coders can add pinterest blocks, wufoo forms etc but ALSO adding an option for freeform javascript so that we can add easily add functionality in the future that we are not able to list right now. (and if they're going to add freeform javascript anyway, might as well do it now, so that those of us that can use it don't have to wait for drag and drop versions of everything)
I *think* that's what SM is working on, but I'm not sure. the messages are a little hazy.
do we have any info on when future versions will materialise?
A JS library would be really cool though
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Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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