Collage view scrolling is choppy
This is not a "bug," but rather a preference. I like the look of Collage View. But, I don't like the real time loading of images that occurs as you scroll the page. I would rather it load all the images in the gallery on the page so I have smooth scrolling (don't like waiting for more images to load while scrolling). Again, just a preference.
Dave Englund
Canon 30D (my training wheels)
Canon 60D (training wheels on speed)
Canon 30D (my training wheels)
Canon 60D (training wheels on speed)
I guess they were afraid to risk loading 10,000 images if someone had a really big gallery. But I also think they ought to buffer ahead rather than wait for you to scroll down to the end where you are waiting. At least keep 1-2 screens pre-loaded.