Editing MY NAME in Hompage BUG

southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
edited August 5, 2013 in Bug Reporting
On Homepage, I used the Photo (and logo photo except removed logo photo cause it does not work right and there is little control over it) and the My Name to place my name and the name of my website. Whenever you go into the MY NAME area to change text, a problem occurs. If you go into the middle of the text and add or delete a character, the cursor is taken to the END of the text string. So, if it said "Troup Nightingale - Photography" and I went into it to add "Southeastern" in front of "Photography" you have to type one letter, reclick behind that letter, add another letter, reclick behind it etc etc etc. You cannot just type the word straight out. If you do type it straight out, you will find the first letter typed is in the correct spot and all the rest are at the end of the text string.
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