Color Overload
A little shop in Blowing Rock, NC, always has a nice flag display positioned on the sidewalk in front of the store. Once a year I have to stop and fire off a few frames....just to celebrate all the color the store owner brings to his little street.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
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Cheers, Richard.
Hey John,
This little shop is on Main Street....across from the park and down toward Six Pence restaurant.
Take care, buddy,
Well, Eric, you'll have to try my trick....when I look at this shot, I put on my sunglasses. Actually, I was lucky to catch some sun hitting the flags. They've had nothing but rain up there for what seems like eternity.
See you,
Yo David,
I also shot some dresses once in front of a quaint shop in St. Augustine, FL. A big, loudmouthed, gal came storming out of the shop....accusing me of trying to steal her display ideas. If she hadn't weighed 300+ lbs., I might have put up a fight. As it was, I fled with as much manly brio as I could muster.
Take care,
It's good to hear from you, Richard. Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, the colors here jump up and slap you around a little bit.:D
Hey, Cristóbal, thanks for the support.
Three years ago, I started sending the shop owner a 16 x 20 print of my annual shot....this shot is number 4 that he'll get. He has a daughter that attends the big arts and design college in Savannah, GA, and she has the first three versions hanging on her dorm room wall at school.
Take care, my friend,
As a simple marketing tool, this shop's flag display really works. I've not seen anyone buy a flag but plenty of folks filter in and out of the store....due, in large part, to his display. It is an attention getter.
Take care,