A "Galleries Page" That Shows ALL Galleries and then Links. Is this possible?

I'm trying to create a page for "GALLERIES" that would include a feature image from each gallery, that would then link to that specific gallery.
Here is how I am trying to do it........ Customize Site > On Entire Site > Menus > Links > Galleries > Link To > Page I Choose >
And this is where the problem lies. I choose a gallery, and I just get all the photos from that one gallery, and I can't add another gallery.
Is there a better way to do this?
Here is how I am trying to do it........ Customize Site > On Entire Site > Menus > Links > Galleries > Link To > Page I Choose >
And this is where the problem lies. I choose a gallery, and I just get all the photos from that one gallery, and I can't add another gallery.
Is there a better way to do this?
So now I have a crazy looking gallery page. Even though I specified Medium as the size for each photo, they seem to have a mind of their own. Any ideas how to fix this?
I'm not one who designs sites, just one who uses them :-). But I think I did it in a much simpler way and acheived what you want. I'll try to explain how I did it.
First I went in to Organize site and created a new folder and titled it galleries. Then I dragged and dropped all my top level folders into that new folder (I wanted everything to be organized in folders/subfolders, etc. - but I think if you wanted just all galleries, you could just drag all of your galleries into that new folder the same way.) Then I hit done, and went into the customize site. There I went to all folders, and dragged and dropped the new folder I had created into the content block. That gave me a page with all of my folders, with the first photo in the gallery set as feature photo. I then changed to entire site, and created a link for this, titled galleries. I hit publish now. Then I went to each gallery and chose gallery settings, then set the featured photo I wanted for each gallery (I also did this for each folder). It only took me maybe 30 to 40 minutes total. And everything is lined up properly, and the bread crumbs are correct so that it is easy to navigate back and forth. Or at least I think so...I hope others will find that to be true.
Sorry if that is not completely clear...I'm just a very limited user...I don't have a lot of knowledge, but just do things the easy way :-). Perhaps you were wanting something more customized, in which case I'm not the one to help.
One more thing I forgot: While in customize site, on all photos, click the wrench-edit icon on the content block where you dropped all the folders/galleries. Then you can select layout, image size, aspect ratio etc. I also deleted the title because I didn't want that showing for aesthetics - looked cleaner without that.
Anyway, I looked at your site, and that's exactly what I am trying to accomplish.
What is photo #5 on the bugs and moths page?
Sue...I'm not totally sure I understand what you are asking. Maybe someone else can answer with the correct technical answer. But this is what I did: I just clicked the all folders, and there was already a content block and I just dragged the folder there and then went to the edit and changed the size, ratio, etc, and then created the link with the URL http://sojournerphoto.smugmug.com/Galleries. Then hit done & publish now, and that made the "page?" for me. I then worked from that "page" to go to each folder & gallery to set the featured photo.
I'm just an uniformed tinkerer with great curiosity who wonders, "what's this? and what does it do?" and then plays with it. I don't really know all the technical jargon or correct stuff. But it worked :-).
OH, and that is a cicada. I don't know what kind...but it's one found in Texas. We have the same ones here in China too.