Nav Menu customizations

Here are the classes to use to change the nav menu. I put this in my theme CSS
.sm-user-ui a, .sm-user-ui a:visited {color: #656575;} .sm-user-ui a:hover {color: #FFFFFF;} .sm-user-ui a:active {color: #FFFFFF;}
Is that just for the straight up nav w/o flyouts or drops?
You can try these
Did you do these for the accordion style (where you click and the drop/flyout opens) or the style where as soon as you mouse over the flyout/drop p[ops out?
I ask because I am seeing no change. I have the mouse over type on my site.
Thanks for taking the time though.
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It must work different for the vertical navs because none of this stuff is working on my vertical w/ flyouts.
I've had no trouble using /* */ to notate my changes. Where are you putting your CSS? If you click theme->active theme->advanced->Edit CSS and put your changes there, I've had no problem with the small CSS changes and it appears to be loading after the other CSS so I haven't had to use the !important to do any over-rides.
I'm no expert but this CSS is far more complex than the legacy system
2nd EDIT: Figured it out I think - NOT. The colors in your example at the top are white and grey - which is what I already have. I looked at your website and you have grey and blue - so I thought mine was not working! HMMMMM changed both the active and hover to #d3414a and I still cannot get a change. Help still needed.....
EDIT: Just saw directions above. Did that. When getting out of it, the Basic went red, clicked it and had to enter a theme name. So, named it SmugMug Mods. Saved and it showed SmugMug Mods being the active theme. BUT the changes still do not show. I will go back and take a look there again.....
PREVIOUS Message before the EDIT: I added the code to my CSS for "Entire Site" and nothing changed. I went back and used "Entire Site" and Theme underlined. Still no change. Looked at Theme options and do not find CSS for Theme. Where exactly are you placing this? BTW, also would like to Center my menu options on the page. Also, I might want the box and colors from my old site - but I could probably figure that out once I get your code to work.
I tried using the "nav container" method from old SM which doesn't work at all as it looks from your data that Nav items have become "widgets".
I do have other CSS code for the Entire Site that do work. Thanks for any help!
I would like the flyouts to be some what transparent like the left bar on my theme, but I can't seem to figure out how they did that.
All the CSS boxes on a page, "entire site", "all galleries" and "just this page".
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Mine do.
BTW... your avatar makes me think you are angry and ranting every time I read your posts:D
Good to know. Maybe because they are widgetized?
How do I get this code to work for the entire site? I put it in the Advanced tab in the Theme setting and it only works at the gallery level.
Edited to add: Never mind. I figured it out. I had to change the Theme for my homepage and folder settings to my CSS modified Theme.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
Separators wanted are: | the veritcal lines
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including the menu. On any page under customize pick "entire site" to add widgets for site wide.
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Thanks Allen. After putting them in. I decided it wasn't right looking.
Now a second question you maybe able to answer. On the mobile site, we have a + for the drop down, any idea how that can be customized?
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You can play with the line-height property - that directly affects the height of the "box":
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go. You can see basically what I'm going for on my Legacy site.
I wish I could insert links in the spot where I need them rather then clicking the plus at the bottom and
then having to drag each up to its place. The small add links box to way too small.
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Also... I would like to add a hover effect to my gallery page collage photos so the viewer is prompted to click on the photo.
STILL LOOKING FOR CODE to change the photos on my gallery collage pages so they fade on hover or change in some way.
See your other thread: