Share button on gallery level
Please provide a Share button on gallery pages (for example next to the Slideshow button) so users are able to share to facebook/twitter/email links to the entire gallery.
Especially for Thumbnail or Collage gallery styles this would be beneficial, because now the only way to get access to e.g. "Get a Link" is through the share button on a lightbox first.
Especially for Thumbnail or Collage gallery styles this would be beneficial, because now the only way to get access to e.g. "Get a Link" is through the share button on a lightbox first.
This has my vote too.
This is definitely my most wanted feature.
I'd like to choose which social media sites/methods as well.
No, this wasn't in legacy SM (at least for email).
Anyone interested in this should vote for the featre at
That is where they monitor interest in new features.
Gallery level sharing, at the Gallery level, duh, existed before, and leaving it out now is a glaring, usability oversight.
It hasn't seen an update from Smugmug in a couple weeks, and it hasn't made it onto the active bug list.
GrBlizz posted a workaround, so if you want a persistent gallery link, find the gallery key from the "buy" link and cobble a link together.
Yep still broken. On the other hand, you can use this bug to get a legacy slideshow going!!
I think it should be provided through the Social > Share Buttons content block that can be added to galleries. Right now, unless I am missing something, the content block consists of a Facebook Like button, and not a Facebook Share button. While I wouldn't mind being able to add both, I think the Facebook Share button is more important.
To me, it seems the Facebook Like button is misrepresented as a Facebook Share button at:
But if SmugMug updates the Social > Share Buttons content block, how will they let us know?
Great question NY2LA! We have a number of ways of interacting with you guys to announce Product Releases, including:
For items that aren't big enough to generate a blog post or email announcement I will post the changes in the Product News forum. I'm actually planning on doing a semi-regular "dump" or all the items released in the last <x> days/weeks/month.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
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2.) Organize a protest with picket signs outside SmugMug headquarters
3.) Become rich and buy SmugMug