Homepage sidebars not working
I have a Basic account.
If I go to my homepage, Customize, Just this Page, then Layout, there is a switch for Left and Right Sidebars.
If I enable them, a square gray box for those sidebars appears, but not to the sides of the other content, but above or below the other content blocks. What's more, I can't drag new or existing content blocks inside the "side"-bars. They snap above or below, but not inside.
If I go to my homepage, Customize, Just this Page, then Layout, there is a switch for Left and Right Sidebars.
If I enable them, a square gray box for those sidebars appears, but not to the sides of the other content, but above or below the other content blocks. What's more, I can't drag new or existing content blocks inside the "side"-bars. They snap above or below, but not inside.

try to select PREVIEW (green bar on top of the window) and EXIT ... sidebars should now be left/right of the center content. Had similar problems when doing my site but i'm using a left sidebar and it is working. See Screenshot (this is for ENTIRE SITE, should work for HOMEPAGE also).
Doh... then the basic account does not seem to offer the preview button. So that workaround mentioned by me will not work for you, the support team need to find a fix for that.
Does it help to enable the sidebars, select "DONE" and select CUSTOMIZE again?
Will experiment further later; thanks
Yes, looks like site site layout does not get updated if you enable/disable the sidebars. Might be a browser issue or it is really a problem.
While there is a workaround for basic and power-users available it is still pretty annoying and confusing for new users. The support team should have a look at this problem.
P.S. Really a browser issue, tried it with the new OperaNext and there it works without these workarounds.