Serious Bug: Passworded Unlisted gallery images aren't loading
I had a client inform me of this issue. When you log into a gallery with a password, some of the images are loading but most have the x on them. I've been testing this all day. When I log on as myself, I can view the galleries just fine and all of the images show. If I remove the password from the gallery, and log out, all of the images show just fine using the direct link. When I put the password back on the gallery, the gallery loads once but as soon as I do a refresh, back to the same thing. When I log back in as myself, no problems. I've tried many combinations but still the same issue. Even a password on the folder does that same thing. This is a serious issue for me because all of my clients who access with a password will run into the same issue. I've tested with other galleries and the same issue exists. I've moved the galleries, sorted them, anything to find a temporary fix until this problem is resolved. Having no passwords on the galleries is definitely not an option. I've even tried different gallery styles.
Same problem here. I have sent questions to Smugmug with a screen grab of the client view of the gallery and the first reply said it looks fine at Smugmugs end but the screen grab they sent back was when they were logged into my account, I could tell with the option buttons on the screen.
I cant have my link without passwords also. If they get back I'll let you know
If anyone is curious what this looks like, I sent a video to smugmug support. Here it is.
I'm still having problems with protected galleries, noon EDT Aug 7. I solved it by changing those galleries to SmugMug style.
However, when logged out I am seeing very bad problems with image display from Collage style galleries. I get the visitor view by opening my site in another browser (I use Firefox as my regular browser, but have Safari and Chrome installed as well). This is what I'm seeing:
This is in Safari (although I don't think it matters). The photo half loads, and the gallery is still visible below the partially-loaded image.
This is in Chrome.
In both cases the image will sometimes flash when the mouse if moved, displaying different bits of the image, or showing the whole image then the half-image with the gallery below.
In both cases hitting the reload button fixed the problem.
Hi Bill
I have tried to recreate this, but cannot. Can you try clearing your cache, reset your computer and let me know if you are still experiencing this?
Photo Blog
Sorry for the false alarm - it was apparently the "Click To Flash" plug-in for Safari that was causing the home page glitch.
The partially-loaded images glitch went away sometime yesterday (Aug 7) before I disabled extensions in Safari.
I've now got all extensions off in Safari and Chrome and I'll leave them that way.
Interestingly, I've got Firefox loaded with several security extensions and I never had a problem with page rendering either logged-in or not-logged-in.